
Happy Birthday Katie!

P1070510, originally uploaded by palm0014.

In my calendar it indicates that it’s Katie’s birthday today so I’m going to have to assume that it’s correct! I know she was having a grand birthday event this past weekend so I’m sure that she had a great time with friends.

Katie is one of those rare gems out there that not only is fun to be around, but has a caring soul while at the same time is intellectually stimulating. Heck, why not go for another quality and say she’s pretty darn good looking also.

Dang, I almost forgot her #1 trait…she is a spectacular cook. Honestly, you have to somehow get her to cook for you. The only reason I bought Smashing Pumpkins tickets last fall was to stay at Katie’s to sample her fine cuisine.

Anyhow, I hope you have a marvelous day and let’s all throw out some Happy Birthdays to Katie! Also, I know you love that picture.