
Upcoming Concerts

There are quite a few concert happenings coming up soon…

This morning I’m going to attempt to get U2 tickets for their show in Toronto. I don’t know how lucky we will be with this…the U2 fan club gets pre-sale tickets so they may have already been all scooped up by now. Here’s to hoping.

This Wednesday Metric and Malajube are playing for some event put on by the University of Ottawa. It’s only $10 so I’m pumped to see both of them as Malajube is amazing, and I’ve never seen Metric live. I’m hoping there are still tickets available to purchase because we have been scoping out an opportunity to get in for free instead…

Metallica is coming this fall to Ottawa! Awwww yeah! I’m pretty excited to see them in a proper concert form…Joe and I went to see them at the Summer Sanitarium tour in Montreal and it was great but I would like to see them in an arena as well.

Plus…a bunch of festivals all over the place that have me thinking…Lollapalooza is on in Chicago the weekend that we are heading down to Windsor for Mike and Mel’s wedding. That’s only another five hours away! We could easily go down for the Friday and the Sunday! Plus, there are rumours that AC/DC will be playing some summer dates all over the country…will they end up in Ottawa? Who knows?

As always, if you’re interested in attending any of these events with us, let me know!


Sugar Shacking and the Juno Kings


Friday night I headed over to Matt and Karilee’s place so we could take a look at the new re-release of Pearl Jam’s Ten. We ended up watching the MTV Unplugged DVD (which is killer) as well as watch a special on jungles from the Planet Earth mini-series, all the while chatting up a storm about everything and nothing. It was an entertaining evening and it’s always good times with those two.

Saturday began well as it was beeeheuuuutifullll outside. I proceeded to haul the bicycle out and clean it up…adjusted the brakes, oiled the chain and voila! It’s in high biking order! Mike and I then went for a jaunt down to Sobey’s to pick up some hot dogs and came back to have some excellent BBQ meat. I also tried out some hot mustard I found at the grocery store…it wasn’t kidding. It was really hot.

I had grand aspirations to head downtown and walk around but after calling Vero, I realized that my body was calling for a nap so I decided to do that instead. The rest of the day was spent editing Sam and Marc-André’s wedding video which has hit the part where I have a rough edit complete (around 5 hours of footage!) and now I have to figure out what I want to cull.

Mike, Vero and I then headed out to Bean Town Ranch to have a grand Sugar Shack of a meal. You may remember the Bean Town Ranch from such entries detailing Jason and Monique’s wedding…which was also the place where Annie almost gave birth to Philippe but luckily they managed to get to the hospital. There were quite a few people there for the supper and we found our seats after finding some Beau’s beer on tap. There was a good crowd of Vero’s theatre friends there and we gorged into servings of bread with ‘crotton’ (some kind of pork/onion paste), pea soup, crepes, back bacon, potatoes, quiche and loads of maple syrup. Mmm boy. I believe I may have brought my ‘A-Game’ while eating as I had enough back bacon to feed an army.

After supper, we headed out on the horse drawn carriage for a tour of the maple syrup grounds and ended up in a barn where they laid out some maple syrup that we could put onto a Popsicle stick. We were also treated to some ‘caribou’ which was a shot of some sort of maple syrup liquor. We proceeded to help ourselves to not one, not two, but three shots of this ghastly stuff and Mike, J-F and I all realized the third one may have not been needed.

When we returned to the main hall, there was an acoustic set by a brother and sister. They were playing some good Beatles, CCR and other classic staples, along with a few French tunes as well. The brother also had a saxophone which he played occasionally. I especially enjoyed it when he played along with ‘You Shook me All Night Long’ by AC/DC later on the night when the DJ was playing that song. I enjoyed some good company with the boys…Simon, J-F and Mike and we chatted about the assorted characters we saw around the room…including the old guy with leather pants and cowboy boots.

The DJ then came in and the dance floor became PACKED with kids. We didn’t know where these kids came from but they dominated the place. I swear I saw a little mosh pit starting on the right hand side of the crowd. There was jumping, there was flailing of arms and legs, there were crazy dance moves…it was quite the spectacle from my perch at the table. We had a good laugh at some of the moves being brought out…I especially loved when the Macarena was playing and one woman made her own moves up. These kids must have been from a school or something because around 10PM they all left in one fell swoop. This pretty well killed the dance floor and we were left inside a hall all by ourselves dancing for another hour.

I really enjoyed the night as it was nice to get out of the city and see some stars at night. I really miss that. I chatted with J-F and Mike about the conundrum of where to move next (in terms of a house)…do I move closer to the city so we are closer to work, and subsequently I can start biking a lot easier…or do we head farther out of the city so we can have a little bit more land, privacy and be able to see the stars at night instead of the glow of the city lights?

The next morning was quite dreary and it never stopped raining all day long. Krista and Ben were planning to show up for some BBQ hot dogs so Mike and I picked up some beer and headed back home only to find out that Krista said she may be running late. I started installing the new version of Final Cut Pro that Vero graciously obtained for me (this version is built to natively run on the Intel chip set as opposed to the older version I have, so I’m hoping it will have less issues with my Macbook) and we watched a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Later in the day, I headed over to Vero’s for awhile and tried to contact Krista a few times but no dice. I was trying to get in touch with her to help me study for a written exam I have coming up this Wednesday and it deals with matters of Parliamentary legislation and other things I’m not too familiar with. In the end, I found out she wasn’t feeling all too hot so we decided to reconvene at work on Monday and Vero and I had some supper and watch the red carpet gathering of the Junos.

I headed home to watch the rest of the Junos with Mike. They were a fun time. Russell Peters is freaking hilarious. I don’t know how he gets away with some of things he says. I enjoyed seeing the Sam Roberts Band play ‘Them Kids’ and they had this lighting effect that made them black and white. Coolness! They also took home the best rock album and best artist of the year awards. Nickelback also cleaned house…and justly so. Their new album is killer.


Upgrade to Flickr Pro for…Free?

I am a happy man right now. Benoit gave me the tip awhile ago that with my subscription to Rogers Internet Service Provider, they offer a free Flickr PRO account. For the past many years I’ve forked out the $25 USD to have a pro account and all of sudden, I get it as a perk of corporations merging together! Flickr -> Yahoo -> Rogers.

Beauty! Treat yourself to a new Pro account if you have Rogers Internet, will ya?

iplaying: Paranoia – Sam Roberts Band (We Were Born in a Flame)

Concert Reviews

Review: Fleetwood Mac – ScotiaBank Place

1423116binThis review is long overdue.  I’m writing this a month after we headed out to the concert.  Vero, Trish, Mike and I headed to the ScotiaBank place and met up with Luc and Steve (two guys that Vero works with).  Steve was from Alberta so this was a good night to be in town for a show!

We found out way up to the 300 Level where our seats were located.  Considering my lack of knowledge of the band, I didn’t feel like paying $250 to be close to the stage.  I remember doing the same thing when The Who came into town a few years back and never regretted it.

We managed to show up in time to miss the first song so when we were getting a beer I could hear the second song ‘The Chain’ being played.  We eventually got to our seats and settled in for the ride.  In classic stadium concert fashion, there were a couple of jumbotron screens to watch which allowed the guys up in the 300 level to see a little better.  I did realize that I really have to go get those eyeglasses one day to bring to a show.  Even the jumbotrons were a little fuzzy!

Honestly, I don’t have much to say about the concert.  Lindsay Buckingham was killer on the guitar.  He was surreal…he didn’t even play with a guitar pick, but I had read in Guitar World that he has some fake nails that he plays with.  Stevie Nicks was sounding pretty good that night as well…heck, the entire band was sounding great and for Fleetwood Mac fans, they put on a great show.  It helps that they had a good ten shows under their belt before heading to Ottawa.

Other than that, a lot of beer was consumed on our end as Steve wanted to have a few beer and so we didn’t want to make him feel out of place so we joined him.  So there were a few times in the slow parts of the concerts where we were down at the beer counter or checking out the merchandise.  I rarely do this at a concert, but considering my lack of knowledge of the ‘Mac, it didn’t bother too much.

It looks like their setlist is the same for their entire Unleashed tour so if you are a fan and can manage to see them, go for it!

Afterwards, we headed into downtown to the James Street Feed Diner and had some great all-you-can-eat chicken wings.  I had the cajun dusted and they were mint.  Yum!  It was a late night by the time we got home and the next morning was not pretty.  Actually, now that I think of it, I had it easy going…I was working from home the next morning, whereas Mike had to trudge into work!

Here’s some reviews and a setlist:
Photo courtesy of Ottawa Citizen

Monday Morning
The Chain
I Know I’m Not Wrong
Go Insane (Full Band)
Second Hand News
Big Love
Never Going Back Again
Say You Love Me
Gold Dust Woman
Oh Well
I’m So Afraid
Stand Back
Go Your Own Way


World Turning
Don’t Stop
Silver Springs



Ten Redux and the Trip to the Pub

1992_2Thursday night turned out to be quite the eventful night.  Not only did we head out to Aux Quatre Jeudis, a pub near my work, but my Pearl Jam Super Deluxe Edition of Ten arrived from UPS, only five days before it should have!  Awesome!

I headed out to pick up this set.  Why do parcel delivery services have to be out in the middle of nowhere?  Both DHL and UPS are in far away areas of Ottawa.  I ended up having to pay $16 extra to get the package (must have been some duty charges on it) but that’s not a problem.  This thing was massive.

I went to Vero’s place for some good grub and then I finally managed to open up the set.  The set is beautiful.  It comes in a cloth bound box the size of vinyl records.  You pull out the three vinyl records in the set – the remastered version of Ten, the REMIXED and remastered version of Ten (dubbed Ten Redux), and the double LP set of the Drop in the Park concert.

Then there is a box which has a ton of goodies inside…CDs of the two Ten versions, a DVD of the MTV Unplugged concert, a cassette tape of the original demo that Eddie Vedder sent to the band.  It is quite hilarious to listen to as the lyrics are quite different on the song ‘Once’ whereas the other two songs (Alive, Footsteps) are surprisingly indifferent than what we’ve heard nowadays.

There is also a bunch of photographs, album liner notes, backstage passes, postcards, all sorts of memorabilia of the era.  My favourite part is a composition book filled with notes, photos and oddities from the era.  Like a diary of sorts.  It has given me ideas of what I want to do for my EuroTrip 2005 album which I’ve pondered for many a year.

I popped in the Drop in the Park LP and took a listen with a beer while Vero dozed off next to me on the couch.  It’s quite interesting to hear Pearl Jam when they first started out.  They were some crazy guys back then…Eddie Vedder was known for climbing up on the lighting rigs and swinging down by his microphone cord.  I saw a video of this on Youtube the other day and I thought he was quite insane.  There’s also this amazing photo in the set of him jumping from a lighting/camera guy’s stand above the crowd.  (edit: Hey, I found it!)  The look on the cameraman’s face is amazing!41qpckchopl

Later on in the night, we headed out to Aux Quatre Jeudis for a few pints with Julie and Luc from Vero’s work.  On the way, we dropped off at the University so I could return some books.  On the way back to the car I wanted to make Vero laugh so I ran and leaped into the air.  Unfortunately for myself, I somehow tripped on the way down and I landed hard on my knee and my hands.  Argh!  I made it back to the car fast but Vero was there laughing because she thought it was part of the act!  It most definitely was not and I was a hurting man!  The worst was my left hand which I have confirmed still has a piece of glass inside it from running through the glass door at Uncle Greg’s place years ago (I was saving a baby, of course!).  It is sensitive whenever I push on a certain spot and that spot was hit hard when falling down.  I could see some blood appearing under the skin so I know that glass is definitely in there somewhere!

We then headed to Aux Quatre Jeudis for a few drinks with Luc and Julie, a couple of people that Vero works with.  Julie was in town as an anchorwoman for the week.  We ended up on the heated patio for the night and the night descended into madness with Vero and I returning home around 2:30.  This did not bode well for yours truly the next morning when he headed for work in the morning!

The next morning was quite the ordeal while trying to maintain my composure.  The light at the end of the tunnel turned out to be a freight train coming to pummel me head over heels.  Things started looking up by the time lunch came around as the team headed out to Molto for my going away lunch.  I had an excellent pizza (way too big!) and the team provided me with some excellent reading…a book entitled “What’s your poo telling you?”.  I thought this was hilarious and we found that it had some excellent medical points and drawings inside it.


Review: Flowers for Algernon (Daniel Keyes)

flowers-for-algernon-bookAnne-Marie and Steve gave me this gift over Christmas.  Anne-Marie described it as a story about a guy who was going through some radical brain surgery which changed him from a mentally retarded person to a person with the brain of a genius.  I was intrigued!  Radical surgeries from the 60s/70s?  Sign me up!

Unfortunately for myself, I thought this book was non-fiction until someone pointed out that they were pretty sure it was fiction.  I went through the same scenario with Life of Pi thinking the book was non-fiction.  Clearly, if someone thinks a book is non-fiction, they will find the story that much more entertaining (for the sole purpose that some fantastical things can happen in fiction, whereas in non-fiction…generally not the case), but alas, all I was stuck with was a fiction book.

But in the end, the book was great.  It followed the diary entries of the main character as he went from being mentally retarded to a super genius.  The novel brought up questions about messing around with nature as this person surely had some grand intellect going on, but he didn’t have the emotional capacity to handle all these new developments and he seems a little crazy.  On top of it all, they notice that the mouse (Algernon) who they performed the experiments on is acting strangely so there is also the notion of not knowing if your brain is going to give out on you or not and facing mortality.

Two thumbs up for this novel, especially if you go in there realizing it’s a work of fiction.

Reviews Uncategorized

Review: The Power of the Subconscious Mind (Joseph Murphy)

3858-1Over Christmas, I was chatting to Vero’s dad about reading everyone’s favourite books.  He passed me his favourite book ‘The Power of the Subsconscious Mind’ by Joseph Murphy and he mentioned that it helped him out immensely in life.  I was intrigued but a littly wary considering I assumed the book was going to chat about how one should think positively and positive things shall happen.  I consider myself to be an upbeat kind of guy so I thought this may not be needed for my life.

The book starts out talking about the power of your subconscious mind and ties it into Christian scriptures demonstrating that Christianity is based on showing us that we ourselves have the power to change things in our life, whether it be a physical ailment, a run of bad financial troubles, or problems with others.  I will admit that I cringed at the fact that this seemed to be more of a religious book at first but it drifted off throughout the book.

I will be honest with you, I used to go to church quite often back in the day.  But then I came to Ottawa and went to a church (which was held in a gynasium) and I swore it was like something out of Sister Act.  This turned me off completely and I haven’t gone to church regularly in the past ten years.  This doesn’t mean I think anything less of the Anglican religion, I just haven’t given it a chance in Ottawa since then.

While reading this, I realized that I was put aback by the religious tones in the book but then I questioned my own religious beliefs while reading it and realized that I shouldn’t be put aback and that if I believe in Christianity, there’s nothing wrong with reading about it.  Passing by that hurdle (let’s be honest here, it was only in the first two chapters that I really encountered this), I was thoroughly engaged in this book.

Perhaps it’s at this time that I also should mention that I had to speed through this book because Vero’s Dad was coming into town and Vero said that I had read the book (which I hadn’t!) so I figured I would need to know a little bit about the subject matter before seeing him at dinner the next week!  In the end, he never even brought the subject up!  I felt like I crammed for a test and the Professor didn’t show up!

The novel talks about how your subconscious mind can give you anything you want.  Let’s talk about healing elements.  If you believe that you are a strong, healthy person, and you keep telling yourself this fact, your subconscious will pick up on the phrase you keep uttering and mentally start to change our body to become more healthy.  A concrete example is of an older woman who had a really bad memory.  She said to herself each day (if not many times a day) “I have a strong memory.  Every day it will grow stronger and stronger.”  and after awhile (let’s say six weeks…I don’t have the book in front of me), she did have a better memory.

A more extreme example (which…even I find hard to believe) is that of a man whose daughter was ill.  He kept telling himself “I would give my left arm if my daughter would be cured from her ailment.”  Sure enough, he gets into a car accident, loses his arm but mysteriously, his daughter is cured.

You can see how faith/belief systems come into play throughout this book, as well as a touch of mystic power.  People may cry out “It was a miracle!” when the daughter was cured.  Even the father may think “My thoughts came true.”  As you can see, I’m sure anyone may have a hard time believing this story, but the key to unlocking the power of the subconscious mind is the power of belief.

The novel continues on the path of how you can’t wish for something, you must believe it to be so.  Let’s take the example of the woman with the bad memory…she had to imagine herself as having a good memory and not to wish for it.  She needed to visualize the end state and believe that this is the person she would become.  They also talk about how this can cure others as well, as in if you think of a healthy, happy friend/family member, then it will be so.  I am giving it a try in visualizing my Dad not having any back pain.  Dad, let me know if in about six weeks you feel great!

The mechanics of accessing the subconscious mind is an interesting one…they say one of the best times to do so is before you drift off to sleep.  If you tell or visualize something to yourself before drifting off to sleep, it will enter your subconscious.  They even bring up an example of someone’s father passing away and they couldn’t find the will.  This person imagined the will in their mind and the next day, they had a vision of a random bank they had never been to in town.  Sure enough, there was a safety deposit box there.

I think the real key to the power of the subconscious mind is to actually believe in this stuff.  If you’ve read some of the above examples and said “Hogwash” then chances are, you will never be able to unlock this unlimited potential of the mind.  But if you have an open mind to things, perhaps you can somehow transform yourself or others around you.

This is definitely a hard subject to talk about around certain people.  I take Mike as a prime example as I was talking about the power of the subconscious mind the other day and you can see him holding back some scepticism.  Heck, maybe even I am still a bit of a sceptic but I should get that out of my system to begin the path of true belief.

Random Note: Turns out that this may in fact be similar to a book called ‘The Secret’ which (in my circle of friends) was quite popular amongst the ladies.  I’m pretty sure the book dealt with aspects of imagining the best person in the world to come knocking on your door, and it will happen.  Ladies, I must tell you that The Secret must be lying to you, as I am a taken man.

Thanks to Vero’s Dad for lending me this book.  It was quite the interesting read even though there were a lot of concepts I had already been aware of (Think Positively!).  I enjoyed the aspects of describing how to access your subconscious mind.  I believe that meditation may have something to do with this same principle but it just wasn’t called that in this book.


Time to Call out All The Stops!

Here’s an interesting read about how it’s law that OC Transpo drivers (if not all city bus drivers?) need to call out all stops during their route. This stemmed from a blind man; Terrance Green, getting frustrated with the lack of ‘call-outs’ and brought the 20 year old policy to do so into the court system.

You can read the article yourself but my favourite part is this:

At the time, the company said it would address the problem in a reasonable amount of time. At first, a company directive and spot-checks seemed to be doing the job. But earlier this year, OC Transpo applied for an extension to the end of the year to get the problem solved fully, largely by installing automated systems to announce the stops on all buses.

Green argued against the extension, saying there’s nothing stopping the company from getting drivers to shout out the stops or use intercoms to do it.

Damn right Green should argue against the extension. I’m not going to knock on OC Transpo in general this time around, but bring up the fact that some people are so freaking lazy nowadays that they would rather ask for an extension in installing automated systems rather than SPEAKING INTO A MICROPHONE EVERY FIVE MINUTES. Good Lord, this is the equivalent of asking me to reply to every email I receive. “What? That’s a ridiculous request! What do you mean people are expecting a reply? Who cares?!” At least, that’s what I figure is going through the head of some of these drivers.

You know, I’m not even going to begin to make it look like I know what a city bus driver goes through in a day. I’m sure it’s a grueling job sometime…at least in my head it would be grueling to sit on a bus for eight hours a day (if not more!) and drive around the city a bunch of times. But I would hope that somewhere, the higher principle of being a servant to the public comes into play and everyone should just go out of their way to help out. That’s how I feel as a public servant. We had a woman who worked with us and she would always say “We’re doing the people’s work!” and have a smile on her face. I had never really thought about my life as a public servant until that point. It’s true. I am helping out the public in some way and I’m going to do whatever it takes to help them out. Even if it would require me to announce the name of a stop every couple of blocks which would amount to 100 times a day. Is it tedious work? Perhaps. Does it help out some people on the bus? For sure.


Review: Pearl Jam – Ten (Remixed Edition)

51cxntsmd0l_sl500_aa240_If you don’t know already, Pearl Jam are gearing up to celebrate their 20 years as a band (in 2011) with re-releases of their albums. The first is the re-release of Ten, which is their biggest selling album to date (and to some, their favourite album).

I love this album and am excited when the Super Deluxe Edition hits my doorstep next week…filled with remastered, remixed copies of the album on both CD and vinyl, along with a vinyl copy of a concert they held, a demo cassette of the first songs Eddie Vedder submitted to the band…there’s a lot of stuff in this set and I’m pumped!

The remixed album did leak onto the Internet this week so I downloaded it to take a listen. Now, I’m more excited about the remixed album as it will give the listeners a fresh listen to an album they love. Brendan O’Brien has mixed all the Pearl Jam albums except for the first one and the band never really cared for the glossy 80’s style production that was on the album so they asked their friend to come in and remix it for this release. This is quite the daunting task as he says that he did not want to mess with what people felt to be ‘the definitive version’ of the song…the album that kids listened to 100 times in a week…the album that you threw into your car on a road trip. That’s why they released both the original and remixed versions in this set so that we would have the choice.

After listening to the album this morning on the bus, I must say that I think the remixed version is superior to the original! It sounds more…Pearl Jam! They’ve got rid of a lot of the reverb that was all over the album. The instruments are more clear…you can pick out guitar bits better with the ear and certain songs resemble how they are in their live incarnation (like Porch. Mike McCready soars with his lead guitar work near the end of that song…something that I never really picked up with the original version).

The album also comes with a few bonus tracks which consist of some leftover songs (Brother, Just a Girl), some demos (Breath and a Scream, State of Love and Trust) and some outtakes (2000 Mile Blues, Evil Little Goat). The demos are interesting to hear as they are rough compared to the their final versions…

If you are a fan of Pearl Jam, I really encourage you to pick up their rerelease of Ten next week. The remixed album is amazing and let’s be honest, Ten is just a killer album from the birth of the alternative era. I don’t think there’s one person in Kapuskasing who was a teenager in the early 90s who doesn’t own this album.

To those fans who have liked Pearl Jam over the years but never listened to their studio albums (Mike, this is for you), give Ten a listen. It’s still their best album and it just got better.

iplaying: Why Go – Pearl Jam (Ten)


Excellent Points Regarding Scalping

Trent Reznor posted up the following entry concerning the world of ticket sales. I’m copying the text in case in the years gone by, my grandchildren will still be able to read what it has to say as we all know the link will be dead in about fifty years:

Original Link:,548515

As we approach on-sale dates for the upcoming tour, I’ve noticed lots of you are curious / concerned / outraged at the plethora of tickets that somehow appear on all these reseller sites at inflated prices – even before the pre-sale dates. I’ll do my best to explain the situation as I see it, as well as clarify my organization’s stance in the matter.

NIN decides to tour this summer. We arrive at the conclusion outdoor amphitheaters are the right venue for this outing, for a variety of reasons we’ve throughly considered*. In the past, NIN would sell the shows in each market to local promoters, who then “buy” the show from us to sell to you. Live Nation happens to own all the amphitheaters and bought most of the local promoters – so if you want to play those venues, you’re being promoted by Live Nation. Live Nation has had an exclusive deal with TicketMaster that has just expired, so Live Nation launched their own ticketing service. Most of the dates on this tour are through Live Nation, some are through TicketMaster – this is determined by the promoter (Live Nation), not us.
Now we get into the issue of secondary markets for tickets, which is the hot issue here. The ticketing marketplace for rock concerts shows a real lack of sophistication, meaning this: the true market value of some tickets for some concerts is much higher than what the act wants to be perceived as charging. For example, there are some people who would be willing to pay $1,000 and up to be in the best seats for various shows, but MOST acts in the rock / pop world don’t want to come off as greedy pricks asking that much, even though the market says its value is that high. The acts know this, the venue knows this, the promoters know this, the ticketing company knows this and the scalpers really know this. So…

The venue, the promoter, the ticketing agency and often the artist camp (artist, management and agent) take tickets from the pool of available seats and feed them directly to the re-seller (which from this point on will be referred to by their true name: SCALPER). I am not saying every one of the above entities all do this, nor am I saying they do it for all shows but this is a very common practice that happens more often than not. There is money to be made and they feel they should participate in it. There are a number of scams they employ to pull this off which is beyond the scope of this note. is an example of a re-seller / scalper. So is

Here’s the rub: TicketMaster has essentially been a monopoly for many years – certainly up until Live Nation’s exclusive deal ran out. They could have (and can right now) stop the secondary market dead in its tracks by doing the following: limit the amount of sales per customer, print names on the tickets and require ID / ticket matches at the venue. We know this works because we do it for our pre-sales. Why don’t THEY do it? It’s obvious – they make a lot of money fueling the secondary market. TicketMaster even bought a re-seller site and often bounces you over to that site to buy tickets (!

NIN gets 10% of the available seats for our own pre-sale. We won a tough (and I mean TOUGH) battle to get the best seats. We require you to sign up at our site (for free) to get tickets. We limit the amount you can buy, we print your name on the tickets and we have our own person let you in a separate entrance where we check your ID to match the ticket. We charge you a surcharge that has been less than TicketMaster’s or Live Nation’s in all cases so far to pay for the costs of doing this – it’s not a profit center for us. We have essentially stopped scalping by doing these things – because we want true fans to be able to get great seats and not get ripped off by these parasites.

I assure you nobody in the NIN camp supplies or supports the practice of supplying tickets to these re-sellers because it’s not something we morally feel is the right thing to do. We are leaving money on the table here but it’s not always about money.
Being completely honest, it IS something I’ve had to consider. If people are willing to pay a lot of money to sit up front AND ARE GOING TO ANYWAY thanks to the rigged system, why let that money go into the hands of the scalpers? I’m the one busting my ass up there every night. The conclusion really came down to it not feeling like the right thing to do – simple as that.

My guess as to what will eventually happen if / when Live Nation and TicketMaster merges is that they’ll move to an auction or market-based pricing scheme – which will simply mean it will cost a lot more to get a good seat for a hot show. They will simply BECOME the scalper, eliminating them from the mix.

Nothing’s going to change until the ticketing entity gets serious about stopping the problem – which of course they don’t see as a problem. The ultimate way to hurt scalpers is to not support them. Leave them holding the merchandise. If this subject interests you, check out the following links. Don’t buy from scalpers, and be suspect of artists singing the praises of the Live Nation / TicketMaster merger. What’s in it for them?