
Bus Update

NB: I now do not like living in Orleans.

I woke up around 6AM this morning and headed out the door at 6:30AM. Note that while living at Vero’s place, I would roll out of bed around 6:30.

I managed to find a great spot at the Orleans Park and Ride and I also met up with Steve who was waiting for a bus. Unfortunately, the express bus that we generally like to catch was packed to the gills. This was my fear. Considering that this one express bus looks like the only one running out of Orleans (as opposed to the seven others that should be running along with it), this means that more people will get onto it, hence leaving us with no luck at all.

We did manage to get onto a regular route bus which took a little longer and then we transferred. In the end, I got into work at 7:30…which is the same time I would have got to work when I was living at Vero’s. The differences being that I would get to sleep in 30 minutes and wouldn’t have to wait for a bus (well, at least I wouldn’t nowadays. The early days of getting the shuttle were fraught full of lineups!).

In the end, I’m sure I’ll get used to living in Orleans again but I must admit that living closer to work was a little treat that I grew used to.

Word on the street is that March 16 will see the full bus service back up and running. I don’t mind the hassle of switching buses for a few weeks.