
Review: Evil Dead The Musical (Carleton University)

Carrie contacted me last week with some amazing news…Evil Dead the Musical was in town! Turns out that the Sock ‘n Buskin Theatre Company was holding the musical over at the Kailash Mital Theatre at Carleton University over the next two weeks.

Vero, Mike and I headed over last night (Carrie was up near the front with some work friends) and grabbed some tickets, posed in front of the Ash paper maché statue and found a good spot in the middle of the theatre. I also wore my (fake) blood soaked t-shirt that I had originally worn to the Toronto production a few years back.

The musical put on by this theatre was quite excellent. It brought back some good memories of the first time I had seen it and did not stray far at all from the original production I saw. The only complaint I have is that they did not incorporate my favourite part of when the trees in the woods were chasing after Cherryl!

Even though there were a few minor technical problems (microphone feedback), this is to be expected on an opening night event. It in no way should reflect badly on this performance. It was top notch. I loved the actor’s portrayals of the characters, I love their body movements and I love, love, love the songs of this musical! Who can’t love songs such as “All The Men in my Life Turn into Candarian Demons”, “Do the Necrononicon” or “Ode to an Accidental Stabbing”? The jokes were solid, the delivery impeccable and the audience were in stitches the entire way through.

Alas, my only other disappointment with this particular production of Evil Dead The Musical is the diminished amounts of fake blood! I remember gushes and gushes of it spraying into Ash’s face when he saws off his evil hand. I couldn’t even tell there was anything hitting his face this time around (but this may have been a technical mishap). But it was something that was amazing to see the first time out. I’m hoping they can incorporate a little more as the weeks go by.

If you’re interested in going to see this musical, it’s on for the next weekends at the Carleton University theatre. Here’s some information: