
A Letter to OC Transpo – Regarding Changing of Bus Routes

On April 9, 2009 at 4PM, I went to Hurdman station in hopes to get a bus up the Vanier Parkway to get close to Conventry Road. I had been on a bus before but couldn’t remember the number so I went to consult the bus station map. It indicated that the #3 bus went up Vanier Parkway as well as the 103 which was an express route. I searched around the area for a schedule for either of these routes but had no luck.

No matter, it was the middle of rush hour and I knew that the bus going up Vanier Parkway would come fairly often so I waited at the stop for the bus. I did find it odd that there were no stops with a listing for the #3 route, so I waited at the 1C stop that had the #103 listed and I recalled that this was the stop that I had been picked up by the bus before.

Unfortunately, in the span of 50 minutes, no #3 or #103 had come by and I had to head back downtown to go to a class at the University. I was hoping to get to Conventry to pick up my car from Canadian Tire, but time had run out.

I was frustrated with the ordeal and couldn’t understand why a #3 had never come my way. I mentioned this to my roommate later that night and he said he was pretty sure that the #3 wasn’t running along Vanier Parkway any longer and that the #9 (a new line) had taken over.

Sure enough, after consulting your website, this seems to be the case.

I am sure that notices and signs were up at Hurdman long before the bus route had changed as OC Transpo seems to have a good reputation of informing the public of when a bus route will change. But in my case, for a person who is not too familiar route, I rely on the transit map which is available at the bus stop.

Can there be an updated map placed at the Hurdman station, or at the very least, a notice on the board indicating that the #9 has taken over the place of the #3 route which used to run up Vanier Parkway? That woul be swell.



The Who – Ottawa 2006 DVD

mainLast night I arrived to find that our Who DVDs had arrived!  Turns out that when we saw them back in 2006 (entry here), they had been filming every concert and releasing them for purchase.  For many years I’ve toyed with the idea of picking up a copy but it was kind of expensive.  But all of a sudden, a few weeks ago I stumbled onto the fact that they discounted their prices and in the end, Mike and I ended up with a copy for ourselves at a smoking hot price of $23 with all the taxes, duties and exchange rates encompassed into that price!

Note: After reading my review of the show, I realized that Marc-Andre and Sam were at the show.  Sam, here’s where you can order yourselves a copy or get one off of us:

We popped the DVD into the player last night to see how it was.  It’s hilarious that the DVD definitely has a better view of the stage than we ever did up in the 300 Level!

It’s a pretty decent DVD.  It looks like they had a camera on Pete, on Roger, on the drummer and then one that captured a larger viewing of the stage.  The DVD looks like it focusses more on Roger and Pete and not a lot of wide angles of the stage.  I’ll have to watch the entire thing to gauge the entire DVD, but my initial thoughts are that this is an amazing keepsake of a concert you’ve been to!  Much better than an audio CD!

In the mail, I also received the new Arcade Fire documentary Miroir Noir.  Mike and I perused the bonus disc of TV performances from the Neon Bible tour.  We grew tired of watching them as they kept playing ‘Keep the Cars Running’ in each performance!  I am anxious to see the documentary as it is created by Vincent Moon who has a unique style of filming.

I also received the Fantastic Four Masterworks Volume 1.  That’s a pretty neat item.  Essentially, back in 1987, Marvel Comics started releasing hardcover Masterworks volumes, which reprinted old comic books because it’s just too hard to get a hold of the old ones nowadays.  Well, at least in 1987 it was hard without the Internet!  😉

So the Masterworks come out in hardcover format which was quite pricey (Let’s say $50 a book) but they just started releasing them in softcover this month!  I am pretty excited as the only old Marvel comics I ever got a chance to read where the X-Men and Spidey comics.  So last night I read the first Fantastic Four issue and it was pretty cool to see where they started out from.