
The Grand Tale of Acquiring AC/DC Tickets

In true Palmer fashion, I present to you, a tale of grand proportions.

On Friday, May 22, Mike and I logged in to Capital Tickets to get in line of the queue.  I was on since 8AM and Mike followed shortly after.  At 10AM, all hell broke loose and the site was crashing all over the place and the situation looked dire.

When I finally got through a few minutes later, the system allowed me to choose from either the first 15 rows, the rest of the floor and 100 Level, and then the rest of the stadium.  Well OF COURSE I went for the first 15 rows, but unfortunately, after 5 minutes of the server taking its time, it came back saying there were no more tickets in that area.

Uh oh.  This wasn’t good.  If it took me five minutes to get that message popping up, what were my odds at some good tickets at all?  I tried for the 100 Level and no such luck.  After much cursing at the computers when we couldn’t get tickets, I eventually had some in the 300 Level but then we waited too long and I lost them.  I had left it until a minute was left until they expire and when I went to process the order the server took so long that it timed out.

So then I went in again and found some in Section 309. Mike still wasn’t having any luck and considering we had no luck getting floor, 100L, 200L, we decided to buy them.

So we have four tickets in Section 309. Unfortunately they (in my opinion) are not the greatest seats as they are to the side of the stage and not in front of it so we won’t be able to see that well.

Mike then managed to get Section 305 which was more in line with the stage and then I managed to get 306 but with a closer row. So we decided to bite the bullet, buy Section 306 and sell of Section 309.

$928 later we are now the proud owners of 8 tickets to go see AC/DC.

But of course, you know me and I love to leave people in suspense so let’s talk about what happened five minutes after…

I went back online on a whim (this would be around 10:45) to see if I could get better tickets and lo and behold, Section 105 appeared in my Cart! The heavens aligned and cheered at us for rocking out so much that we already spent $928 to see AC/DC that they said these guys deserve something a little better.

But the story gets better…

I was on both my Mom’s and my own computer at the time and when I called Mike to ask for sanity in wondering if we should buy another four tickets, Mom’s computer came up with the mother lode.

And that’s how we ended up with FOUR TICKETS TO AC/DC ON THE FLOOR ROW 33!!!! AUGH!

But we also have four tickets in Section 306 and four tickets in Section 309 to sell.

All was not lost…in fact, nothing was lost.  I immediately sent out an email to the masses asking if anyone was interested.  I didn’t get any takers during the day so in a stupour of alcohol that night, I went onto Craiglist and found someone looking for 8 tix at $150 each.  Of course, being the honest person I am (the more belieavable story would be that I had a few beer in me) I wrote to this person saying I would sell them at cost.

I got an email back the next morning saying they wanted them and bingo bango, deal was made.

Here’s an interesting twist to the story…Capital Tickets had left me a message about my tickets and I had no idea what it was about.  I did find out that the person I was going to sell them to had phoned Capital Tickets wondering how they can verify if my tickets are legit or not so maybe that sent a red flag their way.  I did end up getting a message from them saying that the maximum amount of tickets per credit card was 8 and seeing that I had bought 12 (4x4x4…I suppose that’s how the computer didn’t flag me and tell me “Whoa buddy!  You’re trying to buy 12 tickets!”), they would take back four of them.  Hey, it did not bother me much as I had wanted to return them in the first place!

I did end up selling the four leftover tickets to this individual from Arnprior who was more than happy to take his family to the show.

All in all, I have no idea how we ended up with floor tickets but now I’m realizing that there are so many unknown factors when buying concert tickets.  For example, my friend Kathleen and her husband was camped out at the ticket booth since 4AM and they only ended up with 200 Level tickets.  What the heck?  If anything, I think there should be preference to the people who camp out overnight, but that’s just me.

So there you have it…a tale of amazingness for you all.

iplaying: Money (That’s what I want) – The Beatles (With the Beatles)