
Holly and Alex’s Birthday BBQ

The morning after the Woodies party, I must admit that I was feeling rougher than 180 grit sandpaper. It didn’t help that Carrie woke up super early and was gabbing away. I did manage to pick up my pillow and walk across the living room to find a nice solace in the form of her bed when she was making breakfast.

After I woke up, we realized that Alex and Holly’s Birthday/Wedding Celebration BBQ was starting up in the backyard. I didn’t know how I would fare out in the sunlight but in the end, it turned out alright and before you know it, I was feeling great after chatting with the people I haven’t seen in awhile. Mike and I even picked up a case of Red Baron which is some beer I haven’t tried before. It was quite tasty and cheap. It may become my summer 2009 beer!

The rest of the BBQ went great. Burgers, random hot dogs that not even the dog would eat, cake…it was all great. Vero didn’t show up until after 7PM as she had a late wake-up time after running her heart out until 7AM! She arrived when Holly and Alex were showing us a photo slideshow of their wedding in Jamaica. I had thought it would be a three beer event and Mark and others scoffed at the idea the slideshow would be so long.

Three beers later, the slideshow ended. Victory is mine!

I then meandered downstairs to see what Sabrina, Katie and Carrie were up to. They were playing Twister with Carrie’s soon to be new roommate Carlos and his friend Leo. After a few rounds of Twister I went back upstairs to find a wedding video being shown. There were two amazing parts in the wedding video. One being when their Asian friend Peg walked by the camera so fast that it looked like she was the creepy girl from The Ring. The other part was when the video somehow went into double speed mode so everyone was walking hyper fast but the time on the DVD was in real-time. Random!

We spent the rest of the evening chatting with Alex and Holly after everyone left and then we headed home ourselves as we were spent after a crazy weekend.

All in all, a great BBQ had by Alex and Holly and it was great to see their photos from their wedding. It was epic!