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Review: Drinking with George

Book Review Drinking With GeorgeFor Christmas, I received this excellent book by George Wendt, otherwise known as the actor who played Norm Peterson in the sitcom Cheers. What a great idea for a book!

The book is quite entertaining as it is part-biography of all of George’s beer related stories (which we have all told around a pub table during our lives to see who would get the bigger laugh), stories that revolve around his time in Cheers (albeit, not too many stories so don’t buy it if you’re solely interested in that), and fun factoids about beer in general.

I enjoyed the structure of the book which had his life with beer as the main anchor, but then when the opportunity arose, the book would explain what he is talking about in more detail (like what is the difference between a pilsner and a lager).

All in all, a great read for the beer lover! Plus, it’s George Wendt…how can you not love the guy? Feel free to borrow my copy after Mike is done with it. It’s a short read.


Startup Disk is Full – Lost Data

startup-disk-almost-fullOn the Mac, I have been getting some ‘Startup Disk is Full’ errors….not the warning that it’s close to being full, but that it’s actually full.

When it gets to this point, you have the choice of shutting down some programs that may be taking up some hard drive space.

I, in my grand intellect, chose to simply delete some files and empty the Trash bin. However, I then noticed some really weird things happening to my computer. Namely:

– Mac Mail would never send/receive messages.
– Transmission lost all of it’s Torrent files that it was seeding
– The greatest loss of all….Plants Vs. Zombies somehow reset itself and I’m back at the beginning! Nooooo.

I realized that this was a major problem after Plants Vs. Zombies went bonkers on me. After some research on the web, the only bit of advice (which I haven’t confirmed) is that when you get the Startup Disk is full error message, you should NOT immediately go and delete/empty the Trash bin (which, in my opinion, is the most logical thing to do). In the end, I did this many times and now I am wondering if this is what corrupted a few files.

I managed to get mail working again by deleting the Gmail IMAP and adding it again. Transmission seems to be downloading the new Torrents. As for Plants Vs. Zombies…I’ll have to start it all over again. Which isn’t a big deal as it is an awesome game!


Dad is Lost

arts_lost_584Dad calls me last night and we start chatting and then he drops the ball on me. He is addicted to the TV show Lost. There’s only one thing I can think about.


He had heard about Lost over the years and knew it was a pretty good show, but Lost is just one of those shows you can’t hop into at any point. You have to watch it from the beginning. I passed him a copy that he could watch on his handy dandy new DVD player that can play digital files, but he never got around to it.

Until now.

I marveled at how he said there were nights he would watch four episodes in a row and he can’t get enough. I know exactly how he feels! It’s also interesting to hear what point he is with the show as I forgot a lot of what happened back in Season 1 & 2 and it was so long ago that I started watching the show. If I would have thought about it before, I should have caught up with all five seasons before the sixth (final) one starts up.

Anyhow, the greatest thing about Lost, is the fact that once everyone is done watching it, there are plenty of other shows to watch as well that have amazing interconnected, ongoing storylines. Alias is a must-see (well, the first three seasons that is), The Wire is supposedly the greatest TV show of all time (which I haven’t had the pleasure of dedicating my time to), and who can forget Who’s the Boss? 😉

Welcome to the land of Lost Dad!