A few weeks ago, the Apple iPad was announced and like every other fanboy out there, I refreshed the Gizmodo liveblog every thirty seconds to see what the iPad would have to offer.
In the end, I wasn’t blown away, but I am curious as to what it will provide.
I keep asking myself why I am not blown away. It’s a device pretty well near the size of a piece of paper that you can read content on; the Internet, your e-mail, books (when they are available in Canada! Hopefully this will happen soon to the launch and not a year later like how the Amazon Kindle worked out), and the piece de resistance…comic books.
Ever since I got my MacBook years ago, I read digital comics on them by taking my laptop in my hands and rotating them so it was like I was reading a book. This was quite awkward and cumbersome, but it was pretty amazing to be reading some digital comics in this fashion. It was the closest thing to holding a real comic book.
I have toyed with the idea of picking up an iPad and I don’t know if I can justify the purchase. What would I use it for? Vero brought up an interesting point last night that she feels that even though the iPad has tons of features, she would simply use it as a e-reader. I thought this was ludricrous at first but then I realized that she is completely right. Sure, I would check my emails and surf the Internet from my couch once in awhile, but how lazy am I that I can’t simply go upstairs to my laptop (or bring my laptop to ME), but the main use would most likely be reading comic books and I would give reading books on it a try. I have never read an entire book on a screen before so I am not sure if I would be fine with it.
If I do end up enjoying it, I can see myself carrying it on the bus, reading a book and listening to music on it at the same time. It wouldn’t make sense to be carrying my iPod to listen to music and at the same time, carrying my iPad to read a book. So I’ve essentially replaced my iPod, but only if I’m reading a book. I think it would be quite silly to haul out my iPad all the time to listen to some music!
I must admit that I’m disappointed that there is no camera inside the hardware of the iPad. I have recently been introduced to Skype and while I don’t go on it all that often, I think the option of having a webcam inside it would be nice. But as Vero pointed out, what’s the use if the main use will be for reading?
In the end, I am slowly realizing that with all the bells and whistles that it has, it is essentially an e-reader and I think I’m fine with that…I think it would be interesting to start reading comic books and magazines on the iPad…I’m not sold on reading an entire book but I’ll have to wait and see how I like it. In regards to comics and magazines, if Marvel Comics decided to offer a subscription service/pay per comic service, I would have to really consider it considering I don’t really believe that collecting comic books is a worthwhile investment for the future (unless we are talking about comics from the sixties…that’s a different story altogether) and the main reason I got back into buying comic books is that I started downloading them for free and felt that I was enjoying them so much, that I may as well be paying for them. There is always a fear that with any technology, it will advance and it will be next to impossible to read old formats of e-books, comic books, etc, whereas a book is a book. You pick it up off the shelf and read it.
I must interject a random thought…if older people who do not care for computers or simply use it for surfing the Internet or checking email primarily (which, arguably…is ALL of us!) had the choice between a laptop or an iPad, what should be the go-to option?
As you can tell from this post, I’m all over the map when it comes to the Apple iPad. I have concerns over some lack of hardware, but don’t know if I would use said hardware anyhow (ie webcam). I believe it would be a fun device to have, but I don’t know if I would maximize it’s use considering I already own a laptop and an iPod touch which essentially do the same things as the iPad, except for allow me to read comic books easily.
iPad, a glorified comic book reader?