
Music on the iPad

It’s a given that I’ll be picking up an iPad. But I’m really enjoying the thoughts of what the iPad can do that are coming out right now.

For example, let’s talk about music on the iPad. No, no, I’m not talking about music, I’m talking about sheet music, or more importantly (to me!), GUITAR MUSIC/TABS!

Gizmodo’s article made me realize that instead of hauling a bunch of binders full of music, I can simply have them loaded onto the iPad and set it up on the music stand! NICE!

Granted, it would really suck if someone bumped into the music stand and the iPad went flying!

But I already refer to all my music on my computer when I’m playing and don’t bother with my binders unless I’m playing elsewhere. Also, it would keep things nice and organized and I could conceivably do a search for a song title or an artist.

I wonder if it would be large enough though. I wouldn’t think there would be a problem, but you never know.