
Li’l Mom’s Chip Wagon

Day Three of Selling the House had us finishing up everything we can possibly finish up.  Vacuuming, scrubbing and de-cluttering the place had made the house we live in a different beast altogether.  In fact, I don’t even think it *is* the house I purchased five years ago!

Around lunchtime we dropped off some empties and I treated myself to some Mill Street Stock Ale.  We then headed in search of a chip wagon on this glorious Saturday afternoon.  The one at the old Canadian Tire on Tenth Line had moved (to places we’re not aware of) so Vero thought she saw one in Vars so we headed that way.  Why not?  We’ll be driving to Vars a lot more in the near future!

We get to Vars and what Vero thought was a chip wagon was the pizza shop.  We drive by our new house quickly (as there were people there and we don’t want to be creepy) and am touring around looking for a chip wagon but no luck.  It’s around 1:30 and we haven’t eaten yet today so we’re thinking Embrun must have a chip wagon so we start heading down the road across the highway.

Sure enough, Vero was right and the chip wagon is in Vars but on the other side of the 417!  Sweet!  It’s looks great.  The menu boasts 100+ classic chip wagon items and there is a good crowd around.  This is a good sign!  We were asked to order right away and I got the classic…a whistle dog and some fries.  Vero got the poutine.

It was a good set-up they had going there…a LOT of picnic tables.  They also took phone orders so you could simply come and pick your order up!  The food itself was great as well.  The whistle dog was as good as they get and the fries were scrumptious.  Vero is a die-hard fan of chip wagons (as she worked in one as a kid) and commented that they made a great poutine, along with the ‘correct’ poutine sauce.  Perhaps Vero can explain on here what the ‘correct’ sauce for a poutine consists of!

We then headed back down the highway to see how long it would take to drive into town.  It took around 15 minutes to get to Blair Road but we’re unsure where I can park my car and catch the bus.  There is a ‘gold pass’ Park and Ride but I’m not sure if I want to spend extra money to park my car to catch a bus.  There is the option of parking at the shopping mall but I’m not sure if they are heavy-handed in handing out tickets.

Mike came over to the house to load up his motorbike into his truck.  That wasn’t as painful as we had thought it would be!  Althought the first time up the motor died and we were stuck with a motorbike halfway up a ramp.  We decided to settle in to the backyard where it was 23 degrees and had some Mill Street Ale and some steak on the BBQ.

We then watched a few episodes of Modern Family (which is a new favourite show…I love Phil.  LOVE HIM.) and a new show (to us) called Sons of Anarchy which was described as ‘Sopranos meets Motorcycle Gangs’.  All in all, it was a decent first episode and I’ll get around to watching a few others.  Mike, of course, was hooked as it involved motorbikes and tattoos.  All it needs is a guitar and Mike would have the trifecta.