
House sold

How fitting is it to sell your house on the anniversary that Star Wars premiered?

Calling all movers.


Finale of Lost – No Real Spoilers, Vague Feelings

I have watched Lost for quite a few years now and I think it’s safe to say that it’s the best TV series I’ve seen in my lifetime so far. It didn’t hurt that it had a couple of writers who have written for comic books before….comic book writers known how to stretch story lines out over years, years and more years. Heck, even my Dad is addicted to the show.

I will say this about the finale. It was decent. At first I was satisfied with the resolution of the Island storyline, but was confused by the other storyline going on. But after understanding what happened, I have accepted what the writers have given us as a finale and applaud the series as a whole.

Someone mentioned that they didn’t really care for the finale, however they had only watched the first two seasons and then caught up with the ‘happenings of the show’ in the two hour retrospective before the show.

All I can say is that you cannot judge the finale on its own…you have to do so within the context of the entire sixth season. The sixth (and final) season answers pretty well all the questions that have built up over the past five seasons and was satisfying to watch.

I have heard that there will be an additional twenty minutes of footage being released in the future that will answer a few unanswered questions for the fans. I think this is great and can’t wait to see what they have to offer up.

I also saw the three alternate endings that were on Jimmy Kimmel Live and I thought they were quite hilarious.

On a random note, I have to talk about watching Lost in High-Definition Television. Naomi and Vince were gracious enough to invite me over and I was watching the show on their gigantic screen in HD. I have seen HD for sports and maybe a blu-ray of Planet Earth over at Matt’s.

Watching a TV show in HD was WEIRD! It was too real. I didn’t feel like I was watching a magical island in a story…I felt like I was there with some actors on Hawaii. It really jarred me and I felt it was hard to get into it at times because it was just too real to watch.

I really don’t know what I think about HD now! I just assumed it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but now that I’ve seen it, I think I like standard definition TV instead! Is that strange? Does anyone share my feelings?

Anyhow, Lost finale, 1.5 thumbs up immediately after watching it. 2 thumbs up after reflecting on it.