Saturday morning, we had a great breakfast at Lynn and Dave’s place, got dressed and hit the road for Stittsville for Colin and Becky’s wedding. We didn’t know what to expect as we figured we would know only a handful of people at the wedding and we weren’t sure was invited or not. We had a good laugh when Duncan said the same thing and he was afraid to ask people if they were coming or not.

We went to the most amazing modern church I have ever seen. That town of Stittsville sure has some cash to spend on their church! I swear the ceilings must have been 100 feet high!
It was a great ceremony. The priest was quite amusing and the married couple were having a great time up front. I love weddings where the groom and bride can have a good time and not be nervous. I even saw the groom point out my moustache at one point! The moustache has become a mainstay at weddings during the summer. In fact, my favourite part of the night was when Kevin (a guest) introduced himself and said “We have actually met a few years back and I have to ask…is the moustache a permanent fixture on that face or does it only come out for weddings?” Classic!

We then headed over to Becky’s parents place a few blocks away for some refreshments. It was a sweltering day and the suit jacket had to go at one point! There was some good appetizers though and I got to chat with Amanda and Nicolas whose own wedding was coming up in a few weeks so we were taking notes of what to do.

Afterward we headed over to Mike and Mel’s so they could get changed. I had a quick nap as the MOHO Part Deux was catching up with me! It must have caught up with Vero as well as she snoozed for awhile as well. Duncan, Vero and I then headed over to the Golf Club (I can’t remember the name at this point…it’s off of Greenbank) which was quite the nice greens.
Unfortunately, because of this being the first wedding of the year, I had completely forgot to set up the car with proper beer and flask capabilities so I ended up paying through the teeth for beverages that night. It really irks me that golf clubs get away with charging $7 for a pint of beer these days. I bet if we were golfing that day, it would have been half that price! They did have Beau’s Beer on tap which was great.
I really enjoyed the fact that each table were tasked with coming up with some items that they would have to announce to get the couple to kiss…list the top five things the groom won’t hear from the wife, list the top five things the bride loves about the groom, etc. It was quite hilarious.

Food was great, speeches were great, all that jazz was great.
Some highlights:
– Matt and I spied a garter belt caught up in the light fixture above the dance floor. Matt MacGyvered a device out of coat hangers which would fetch the thing. The crowd roared when he finally got it down.
– The Billy Idol Trifecta was witnessed for the first time at this wedding! For a few years now, I have been trying to get DJs to play the Billy Idol Trifecta…Mony Mony, Dancing with Myself and White Wedding. Not necessarily in that order, but you had to play those three songs sequentially. No DJ ever agreed to it. “It’s DJ suicide if I try that!” uttered one DJ years ago. So there I went ahead and put it on the request card not thinking that it would happen.

There I was in the washroom and I heard White Wedding start up and the crowd cheering my name! I had to run back out and dance along to the excellent tune and we waited with anticipation to see if the second song would be played.
EPIC SUCCESS! Dancing with Myself came over the PA system and the crowd went wild! However, there was a major setback in the Trifecta in that no one came to the dance floor! In terms of a scientific experiment, I need to get the Trifecta played at another wedding in the future to see if it has the same effect. Then I will know that the Trifecta is only amazing in my own head!
Either way, when Mony Mony came on, children across the land wondered how extra lyrics were added to this song and grandparents cringed. Ah well…so be it.
– Vero looked quite smashing once again.
I believe we left a few moments before the end as we were beat and we braved the backroads going back home to Vars. We definitely took a wrong turn at one point but all in all, it was definitely quicker than heading back through Ottawa (although Vero would have been more comfortable doing so!).
Colin and Becky…an excellent wedding was had! Thanks for the invite!