Concert Reviews

Review: The Trews Acoustic – Capital Music Hall

Mike, Vero and I went to the Capital Music Hall to check out one of our favourite bands, The Trews pull out an acoustic show. I believe the last time I’ve seen them was also an acoustic show…I love the rock, but they deliver the acoustic just as well.

The Capital Music Hall is not a fan favourite of Mike and mine…it’s like herding sheep into a valley…but we managed to find a decent spot once we got through the fence of people.

Honestly, the first set lacked something. It was like they were going through the motions. Colin had the 1000-yard stare going on and while they were throwing out some amazing tunes (including the as-of-yet Power of Positive Drinking), there was no life.

This completely changed when they took the stage for their second set along with a few other musicians (including Tim Chiasson). The energy was electric and the band loosened up a little. THIS was the band I know and love! Can’t knock them too much considering the life of a wearied band of musicians is a life I don’t know about myself.

Highlights for me: Power of Positive Drinking, Highway of Heroes and Ishmael & Maggie (of course!).

If you’ve never seen The Trews, do yourself a favour. You will never be disappointed by this group.

Check out some photos from the show here:

Setlist (taken from their Facebook page)

Sing Your Heart Out
So She’s Leaving
Every Inambition
Den of Thieves
Paranoid Freak
Power of Positive drinking
Poor Ol’ Broken Hearted Me
Fleeting Trust
One by One

Set 2
When You leave
Traveling Kind
Highway of Heroes
Luv is the real thing
Can’t stop Laughing
Man of Two Minds
Bad Luck Blues
Not ready to go (Mandy)
Ishmael & Magggie

You gotta let me in
Come on baby let’s go downtown
Served my time


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