
I Shall Forever be the Good Cop

“Let’s play a game of Good Cop, Vero”

The other day I gave some gifts to Rob to bring home to his kids. Of course I asked that they only open them on Christmas Day!

But then I get a phone call from Janice saying “Well, our daughter got into the gifts and not only opened up her own, but her brother’s as well.”

This brought back memories of how my sister Maureen proceeded to open and eat her entire Advent calendar as well as my own. I don’t believe I was a happy camper. It’s interesting to think how important a simple Advent calendar is to a child, when now I realize those things are $2 and easily replaceable. I’m now wondering if Maureen was on a permanent sugar high since then.

Anyhow, Janice told me that it was up to me if her daughter could play with the gift or not. I said “Of course not!” in my head but she then said I had to tell her three year old daughter whatever I chose.

Three Year Old: “Merry Christmas. Thank you.”
Thirty Two Year Old: “You’re welcome. Now, you know you weren’t supposed to open that until Christmas.”
Three Year Old: “Yes.” (with some trepidation in her voice).
Thirty Two Year Old: “So you know that you can’t play with that until Christmas.”
Three Year Old: (hesitation) “Ok.”

Then I realize that I have essentially become the Grinch.

So Janice comes back on the phone and says “Clearly, I can tell what answer you gave her as her face dropped!”

Of course I couldn’t still be the Scrooge on Christmas so I got back on the phone and told her that she could play with it but she better not do this again next year!

Vero then realized that she will forever be the Bad Cop when we have kids and I shall forever be the Good Cop. I can’t say that this will happen all the time, but I must admit that it broke my heart to hear that I broke a little girl’s heart on Christmas (or two weeks before that!).


The Downfall of Attractiveness – An Introduction to Canadian Winters

The other day I was talking to Andrea about how my hair looked flat after wearing my toque. I then commented that the overall attractiveness of the Canadian public diminishes by 20% during the winter months.

I then realized that there was more truth to this than Wikileaks. Think about it…instead of having a decent hairstyle, a dazzling smile and a nice summer dress, all we are stuck with is a person wearing an outfit that could easily be confused with someone robbing a bank. In a Canadian summer, I feel attracted to a woman when I see her face and how much she smiles in the sun. Now all we get to deal with is a balaclava and some frozen air escaping from their mouth. Talk about a hottie.

This totally explains why in the film Frozen (where three people get trapped on a ski lift for five days and also has some really stupid moments in it if you are a Canadian watching it) they always seem to leave their faces exposed instead of covering them up. I don’t know how effective it would be to see a film about three people trapped on a ski lift and all you see is a scarf over their face and hear them talking!

Here’s to a quick winter. We need to up the Hot Factor in Canada. And I’m not talking about the temperature.