
I now have a new reason for not owning a cellular phone

Pop Corn téléphone portable micro-ondes
envoyé par sassiere. – L'info video en direct.

Granted, those radio-waves are still entering my brain on a daily basis.

update: Awww…Snopes debunked this crazy video.


Review: King’s Quest III Redux

This past week I got an interesting email from AGDInteractive saying that they had a King’s Quest III Redux available for download!  I must have been out of the loop for awhile as I had no idea they were developing this piece of art.

I do remember playing Infamous Adventurer’s VGA version of King’s Quest III which was excellent.  Here’s my original post about that from 2006.    I have to admit that after playing AGDI’s version over the weekend, it is also a worthy remake.  I have to admit that I do enjoy the extra plot lines that AGDI put into the game.

King’s Quest III…what can I say that hasn’t been said before.  I logged A LOT of time into this game.  I could never figure out where the wizard’s wand was in the original version.  It wasn’t until years later that I must have stumbled upon a hint book.

So the new version by AGDI is pretty freaking sweet.  Voice acting galore, memories aswirl, and some new elements included kept me quite interested all weekend long.  I really have to hand it to these guys…the visuals were stunning and I felt like I was playing an entirely new game at some points.  That’s what I dig about the AGDI remakes…they add a few new things to keep me interested, instead of being a step-by-step remake.

My only complaint was that I got to a point where I needed the eagle feather and when I found out how to get it, I realized I needed to restore to a point in the game where I haven’t already given the ONE item that is needed to get the eagle feather (unless there are multiple items that I can use and I just didn’t realize).  But you know what?

I really enjoyed the new pirate island adventure as I always found that part of the original KQ3 to be strange.  I also liked the extended outro sequence after the dragon is gone.  But for the life of me, I had forgotten about the expanded story in KQ2+.  I’ll have to go play this again soon!

I also want to point out that it’s quite amazing to see the AGDI adventure games now available on the Mac!  I had installed Windows on my Mac awhile ago to play Quest For Glory 2 but I had some problems so I never ended up finishing it.  Lo and behold, they have released all their games for the Mac!  Hurrah!

That’s that.  Download this free game today at

iplaying: Undertaker – M.Ward (Transfiguration of Vincent)