
Review: Collider (Sam Roberts Band)

So let’s recap my thoughts on SRB. We Were Born in a Flame and Chemical City were instant classics for me. Love at the End of the World took me awhile to get into but now I love it.

Collider falls back into the instant classic category for me. Upon first listen I was thinking “Awwwww yeah! This is what I love about the band.”

I find as an album it flows really really well. Reminds me of the flow of Chemical City, whereas I always felt that WWBIAF sometimes sounded like a mishmash of whatever tunes they worked on. Not that this is a bad thing!

Killer tunes so far for me are Last Crusade, Graveyard Shift, Streets of Heaven and Tractor Beam Blues. I can’t really say there is a bad tune on the album and I’ve had it on repeat for a long time and haven’t grown tired of it.

My only other comment is that I have a problem sometimes where I can’t imagine a tune being a rocking one but once I see them live it puts an entirely different light to the tune. I have a feeling this album will be an example of how I feel it’s less rocking (compared to Chemical City) upon first listens, but as soon as I see them live I will realize the power of the songs!

Killer album and I’m glad that the boys are back!

iplaying: The Last Crusade – Sam Roberts Band