
Bluesfest 2011 – Day (Minus One)

Bluesfest is back and it’s going to be a beautiful week! I believe it’s a little daunting to think of 12 days of rocking out in a row…I refer to the next two weeks as the Gauntlet as it’s one thing to rock out for two weeks straight, it’s another to also get to bed late, get up early and basically live off of non home cooked meals for that amount of time.

This year, they changed the stage layout and my Bluesfest crew is quite concerned. Gone are the days of “Left speaker, third tree from the stage” which has helped us find each other for many years. Plus, the way they have two main stages next to each other is a questionable layout…here’s to hoping I’m pleasantly surprised because of this change and not left fuming because of crowd control. Heck, maybe I’ll even get another published word piece in the Ottawa Citizen this year!