That’s right, it’s Movember again and you know what that means! Women will swoon when they see upper lips standing up for a great cause across the Earth!
I, along with my fellow comrades in PaLoLa Brewmeisters will do our best to make sure men and women know about the Movember mo’vement, and hopefully help contribute to prostate cancer research.
All I ask for is a bit of your time (from time to time) to read my e-mails about the subject, and perhaps donate a few dollars towards my two goals: 1) To raise money towards prostate cancer research and promoting men’s health in general and 2) Beating Mike Losier’s goal of $1,062 last year! I am proud of what Mike accomplished last year, but I take it as a personal challenge!
If you want to donate to myself:
or I think there is an option to Donate to Team somewhere and I highly encourage you to do so if you can’t choose who you want to donate to! It all helps out the worthy cause!
If you donate to the Movember cause, I will also reveal to you the meaning behind the name Palola. Granted, some of you may already know this.
Finally, PaLoLa Brewmeister’s will be hosting a Movember themed Party near the end of the month and have brewed up a batch of beer specifically for the occasion available to anyone who contributes. Stay tuned for updates and details.
Thanks for your support in this worthwhile cause!