
Review: Reading a book on the iPad

Originally I was going to write a review of the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson.  But in the end, I can sum it up by saying it was an amazing read and if you have ANY interest in how one man changed so many technological aspects of our lives as we know it, then it’s an insightful read.

But let me get to another point altogether that I spoke about with Sue the other night.

I read this book on the iPad.  That’s right…I took the plunge.  I actually have the physical copy sitting on my favourite reading spot in the house, but I believe I only read the introduction of the book and that’s about it.  That was on a Saturday.

What to do on the Monday morning when I’m leaving for work?  I looked at this weighty tome and thought “Wow.  I do NOT need to be carrying that onto the bus every day for the next few months.”  What options are available to me?

Benoit had emailed me a digital copy of the book and I thought “There’s something sweet about reading a book about Steve Jobs on the very device of his that I love (the iPad).”

So I started my foray into e-reading.  I had dabbled a little in the past.  Comic books mostly…a Sherlock Holmes chapter here and there…I was familiar with some functionality.

But this was 1000 pages of intense reading…on the bus each day for a good solid 30 minutes each way.

And in the end…it wasn’t that bad at all.

Yes, I had cringed at the thought of reading a book on a technological device.  What about the feel of a book in my hand?  What about reading outside?  Would that be a pain in the ass?  What about bookmarks?  Who wants bookmarks to become obsolete!  🙂

Here’s some points of discovery on my part:

Convenience: This is a no brainer.  Did I want to lug a brick around every day with me for a few months, or did I want something a little more convenient?  I already carry my iPad everywhere I go.  Placing a book within it’s memory banks only takes up virtual space, not space in my man purse.

Reading Outside: I would be so engrossed in my book that I would read it from the bus station to my car.  I had to crank up the brightness on the screen (I tend to have it very low to conserve battery power) but in the end, it was good to read.  However, I wonder how it would be on a sunny day on the patio.  Something tells me that the glare from the screen would get on my nerves.  This is definitely one reason that people opt for either a regular book, or an e-ink reader such as the Kindle.  But in the end, it really didn’t do harm to me as I read most of the book on the bus.

Dictionary: The most amazing feature (yet so simple!) while reading the book was the ability to click on a word and look it up in a dictionary!  There were a few words that I had to use this feature on and I thought of how much simpler this would make my life if I could read a French book and have the French dictionary hooked up to it.  I shall have to give it a try to see if it can work that way.

Adding Notes: I don’t know about you, but when I was younger and in school, I hated the thought of running a highlighter through my books, or writing notes.  I did NOT want to harm the pages.  But in the virtual world, not a problem for me!  So if I saw a passage I found interesting, I highlighted it with my finger and added a little note.  What’s neat is that the Table of Content has a neat feature that not only allows you to skip through chapters, but also look at all your notes or bookmarks that you’ve placed in the book.

In the end, I did not mind my experience with the iPad one bit.  It really did not bother me.  So what does this mean for the future?  Unsure.  I have a hard time believing that I would simply purchase an e-book.  How could I lend that out to people?  What would I do with my awesome bookshelves if there were no books on them?  I think what books should do is offer up a free digital copy with the purchase of a hard copy.  Comic books are starting to roll this feature out and I think it’s fantastic.  I can read my book, put it into the box and if I am too lazy to pull it out of the box, I can just go read the e-version.

So if you have thought about reading a book on an iPad, I say go for it and see if you like it or not!  Don’t just stick to one chapter…read an entire book!  Report back!

Concert Reviews Uncategorized

Review: Whale Tooth and Mother Mother – Bronson Center

Mother MotherI went to the Bronson Center to check out Mother Mother as well as my new favourite band…Whale Tooth!  Whale Tooth is this amazing band that Andre knows from Belleville.  I checked them out at Bluesfest and was blown, blown away.  So my anticipation for seeing them again was very high.  But would they deliver again?

A bunch of us went to the Heart and Crown for a bite to eat beforehand.  It was good to go with a bunch of people this time around.  Andre, Karilee, Mike, Rachel and her friend all headed to the Bronson Center for what was to be an excellent time!

We got there quite early in order to see Whale Tooth and there was quite a long lineup.  Thank the maker that it isn’t really cold yet in the Capital so it was standing outside for awhile.  When we entered Live 88.5 was handing out sampler CDs of their live sessions which was pretty awesome.

Whale Tooth once again blew me away.  There is so much energy to this band and their melodies and hooks have me humming for days afterwards.  It is a crime that more people do not know of this band yet!  But I predict 2012 is the year they will explode.  Their first album is coming out and I really think they are going to be the biggest thing in Canada for awhile.  I even told my friends that I haven’t been this excited for a band since Sam Roberts came out.  I had a good chuckle at the look of shock on their faces and they realized I meant it.

I saw Mother Mother at Bluesfest and they have an infectious live show, and this show did not disappoint either.  I really enjoy the fact that they have three singers on stage and how they complement each other.  They seem to pull from a variety of different styles that seem to harken back to some old school dance tunes from the 90s.  But I must be dreaming but they rock way more than those bands!

Definitely check out Mother Mother and Whale Tooth whenever you get a chance!


Movember – The Home Stretch!

Let’s chat a little about Movember, shall we?

So far, the PaLoLa Brewmeisters (pictured above) have obtained $2,071 collectively.  That is a great, great achievement, but it’s shy of our goal of $2,500 for the entire team.

We’re in our final week which means that our ‘staches are in full force at this point (well, for most of us!).  There have been some great events on my side of the world:

– The Mo’Sistas from work put on a bake sale for Movember.  I believe the final tally is around the $80 mark.  Thanks Mo’Sistas!

– The PaLoLa Brewmeisters held a fundraising party last Saturday (where the above picture was taken after a few beers consumed).  It was a good turnout and we made a chunk of change.  I personally had a great time making the ‘Famous Moustaches from History’ pictures that were around the house…pictures of Burt Reynolds, Ned Flanders and Tom Selleck were strewn about the house.

– This coming Saturday will be a fundraising concert at Aunt Dinah’s.  Sorry – Invite only!  But it should be a grand old time.

So with this being the final week, if you haven’t done so already and are planning to do so, please donate some hard-earned cash to the Movember campaign!  Let’s make this a year to remember!  I’m a little shy of my $1,000 donation goal so let’s make the final push!

Thanks to everyone!

Concert Reviews

Review: Malajube at Ritual Nightclub

Opening Band

The Besnard Lakes


StormTrooper Helmet

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a bit of a geek.

Now the world will know how geeky I am.  Benoit and I have started to assemble a full-on Stormtrooper outfit.  Hopefully I’ll find a mannequin to put it onto and have in my basement.  Perhaps it will hold my remote controls.  Perhaps it will hang out and have a beer with me.  Perhaps you’ll see him in the hot tub.

Either way, I was quite excited when the Stormtrooper helmets came in.  I think it is great, hilarious, and all around a good time to own.  Next up…our actual armour is coming in next week!