
Tea Party Live Album – PledgeMusic

I’ve talked about it before, but I have to say that I’m really enjoying the Kickstarter/Pledgemusic model of things nowadays.

Basically, it’s allowing people to create/sell a product ONLY if they raise the money for it beforehand.  What a fascinating concept!  Instead of bands creating a gazillion copies of CDs that may not sell, why not just see how many will sell first?

Right now, The Tea Party are going to create a live album on their current tour if they raise enough funds.  In three days it’s already at 82%.

I have also been backing various video game creator’s projects that were involved with Sierra Games back in the day.  I *love* Sierra Games so it’s great to see these programmers still out there interested in creating games that I love!


Best Wedding Proposal Ever

Here I thought I did pretty well, but this one nailed it!  While I sometimes love the Internet, I hate it because it shows that I can do better.  🙂