I don’t think I have ever properly sent a Happy Birthday wish via this site to my cousin Troy…whom really is more like my brother Troy. So…Happy Birthday Troy!
If Randy was the man who introduced me to playing guitar, Troy is the man who prompted me to push into the realm of playing well on guitar, and entertaining the masses. Many a beer have been drank while listening to Palmer and Palmer at Aunt Dinah’s house. I’m pretty sure my finger actually bled after an eight hour session of jamming together.
Troy is definitely one of those gentlemen who put others first (both professionally and personally) and has so many hobbies that he probably doesn’t have a boring moment in his day! Whether it be listening to tunes, drawing, crafting some new songs, watching movies, following around his lovely wife to garage sales on Saturdays, he’s got plenty on his plate, but he still manages to keep in touch with all his family and friends.
Here’s to you brother on your birthday! Play the heck out of that Vox amp today!