
Hot Tub Pump – Repair

The other day I was ready to get out and get the Christmas lights up before Vero got home and I heard this god-awful racket from the backyard.

Turns out that the motor/pump for the hot tub was making this noise. After removing the wood panel, inspecting and and chatting with Dad, it was due time to take it off and see if I could get it repaired.

Luckily, hot tubs are smart little creatures and they had two cut off valves which would allow me to remove the pump without losing any water in the system. Score!

Upon bringing it into the World of Pumps (which is an excellent repair shop), the gentleman at the counter knew exactly what was going on. A seal had gone, which allowed the chlorinated water to start deteriorating the rest of the motor. Bingo bango, I’ll have it repaired in a few days.

Just in time for winter as well! The hot tub has had a few repairs this year…here’s to hoping nothing needs to be done in the middle of winter!