Hands up, who has checked out a Rob Zombie in the last ten years?
I sure have, and I have to say that they haven’t really captured my interest. They may stay in the stereo for a few weeks but that’s about it.
Until now! Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor is Zombie at his best again. I feel that I am listening to a proper Zombie album…with cuts of horror film narration and in your face guitars, I really can’t recommend this album enough if you are a fan of Rob Zombie.
Tracks to Check out: Rock N Roll (In a black hole), We’re an American Band [Grand Funk Railroad]
This week’s research mission has been to acquire a kegerator.
I have been looking at a kegerator (a fridge that holds kegs of beer) for some time now. Broadhead Brewery has a kegerator built at cost for $470+tax. From what I have seen, this is a pretty solid deal and there are some great reviews on the web.
But then I started thinking about the two mini-fridges that are sitting in my garage doing nothing. Could I salvage them and create a kegerator from scratch? Only time will tell!
Sunday morning was around 15 degrees so you know what that means…spring cleanup time!
First stop was replacing the water in the hot tub which went surprisingly well. I must be a master at this process at this point.
Next up was changing the winter tires. But wait! Andreane calls needing the trailer to pick up some furniture that is being thrown out at her friend’s apartment. I hightail it downtown and pick up two sweet wicker chairs as we as a Futon! Considering she is planning on moving into a house in the near future, you can never have enough furniture. It was also a surprisingly easy move considering we had to bring a Futon on an elevator! I did have to pull over about 45 times because the tarp kept flapping in the wind.
I should have known that with all these easy moves, there would be something that didn’t go my way on this beautiful day. Changing the tires was the victim. I searched high and low for my torque wrench but no dice. Turns out it was in Vero’s car who was out running errands.
I realized that I am a man who should be able to use the emergency tire wrench to take the lug nuts off. While I am a man, I was a man with sore hands because that tire wrench has about a six inch handle! In the end, I got all the tires replaced and I managed to torque them when Vero got home.
It was around 22 degrees yesterday which called for some relaxation after all this hard work. I settled in on the back deck with a Fantastic Four in hand when Mike showed up from a motorbike ride. We hung out, ate some BBQ with Vero and headed on our way.
Also, I won $131 on my Lotto Max! That’s definitely the most I have ever won on a ticket.
Sebastien (newly graduated) and Trish came over on Saturday night and brought along a new horror film called Mama. I had never heard of it but my ears perked up with the mention of Guillermo!
Mama follows the story of how two little girls end up abandoned in a cabin for five years before someone finds them and brings them back into society. They are a little wonky after living on their own for five years…but don’t worry! They had something called Mama to look after them!
Who the heck is Mama? Lord knows, but it made for a fairly decent horror flick when the girls move in with their uncle and Mama comes a knocking.
I would say it was a decent flick but not a must-see.
We also watched Barbarella afterwards which is a must see in my book. I don’t think the others were impressed!
This year, my beloved TELEFILE shut down for filing my taxes over the phone. I found this to be a great utility to file my taxes without the hassle of sending in any paper forms.
With the cancellation of this service, I was surprised to find that there were free tax programs out there vetted by the Canada Revenue Agency so I decided to check some out.
I had originally thought I would use an application for the computer but then I noticed online services. Like any good service…online is the best as they can be updated if a problem is found. With stand alone applications, there always requires new updates.
I decided to try out Simple Tax. The only thing that scared me was to provide my SIN number to an organization which isn’t the Federal Government of Canada. I find this to be strange considering how much the GoC talks about safeguarding your SIN as much as possible.
But honestly, that was my only negative comment about Simple Tax. Simple Tax truly is simple for a well-seasoned tax veteran as myself. I have to admit that it definitely helped that I am familiar with the paper forms and had done my taxes by hand beforehand. This way, I know if I’m missing anything when filing by Simple Tax.
Simple Tax isn’t like Turbotax or one of those ‘wizard’ programs. It’s a site that depends on YOU for what information it should ask. Do you have T4s? Do you have T5s? You need to tell them that. Once that’s done, it’s easy peasy.
I also enjoyed how it saw that I was married this past year so it allowed me to also fill out my spouse’s form, generate the NETFILE file to upload, print my tax form to PDF and bingo bango, the process is complete.
I will definitely use the service again. The only disappointment is that I messed up somewhere by doing it by hand and now owe $275! This could have been avoided by using Simple Tax next year.
“How do I tell everyone I just scored the greatest job and I’m not even done my co-op term yet?”
While I love all my friends in my life, it’s nice to have a little family around town as well. This is why I’m super pumped with the news that Andreane is sticking around for at least another year.
She is finishing up her school term at University of Ottawa. Man, time flies. She is currently doing co-op placements and stumbled upon a job interview at CHEO (which was also home to her co-op placement).
She waltzes into her first interview, nails it, and gets a part-time job with a sweet hourly wage. When I say part-time, I am talking about the greatest part-time schedule there ever was: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday full days. What the heck! I wish I could get long weekends as well!
I’m pretty sure we ordered tickets to see Muse about 8 months ago so it was a long wait to see them in Montreal. But the day was upon us and Etienne, Nadine, Nat, Mike and me hopped into the van and hit the road! We also met up with JF, Marie-Claude and Martin for the event.
We ended up missing the opening act of Dead Sarah but managed to waltz down onto the floor and find a nice open spot for us to sip back a few beers and not fret about the crowd bothering us. What can I say? I am an old man nowadays who has rocked his fair share in his life. I am not content to sip on my beer, hang out near the sound booth for some aural pleasure and enjoy the ride.
The concert was fantastic and Muse is definitely on their way to be considered amongst the best of the stadium show Gods. Their stage set up was interesting in that it had a giant LED pyramid structure that would descend from the rafters and move much like the U2360 setup in that it can separate or move up and down.
They started off with playing Supremacy which is a great opening song…putting me into a James Bond movie! I’m not sure how Matt Belamy is able to sing the first song like he does so I have a theory that he must practice singing for about two hours before to get his voice in shape!
The entire night was mesmerizing. They know how to get the people moving and it was a non-stop roller coaster of impressive musical prowess. I was so impressed that I think I will drag Vero to the next show that I can, even though she doesn’t really follow them.
The 2nd Law tour rivals the stage setups of U2 and I would have to say that the year 2013 belongs to Muse.
Random thoughts:
– We missed quite a few songs as there was this killer lineup for beer. It was a slower part of the setlist but was disappointed to have missed a few tunes. I’ll have to check them out on Youtube. All I know is that I came out and there was freaking lazer beams going on! Nat said it was like that for four songs!
– When I was getting a beer, Mike grabbed his and he said he would hang out. I told him he didn’t have to and he should go watch the show. He stuck around until a song came on that he really enjoyed so he left. The guy behind me says “Dude. I can’t believe your friend left you. He failed the friendship test.” I had a good laugh so I yelled over to Mike as he was walking away “I can’t believe you left me!” However, when I was leaving with my beer the guy tells me “You also failed the friendship test. You’re only bringing back three beer to your friends when there is room for four.” I had a good chuckle.
– LEDs on a bass guitar? Sign me up!
– I kind of think Muse are actually aliens from another planet and that their stage will become a UFO at the end of the tour. There’s no way three guys can sound that good on stage.
Here’s a video I found of the first three songs… demonstrates the excellent stage setup. I appreciate stage design and I thought it was great that they angled the video screens upwards to the people up in the nosebleed sections.
The 2nd Law: Isolated System
Map of the Problematique (Who Knows Who outro)
Supermassive Black Hole
Panic Station
Knights of Cydonia (Man with Harmonica intro)
(drummer solo)
Follow Me
United States of Eurasia
Liquid State (damn it I missed this one)
Time is Running Out (House of the Rising Sun intro…which was funny because I was singing it in English not realizing that everyone else was singing a French version! Never knew!)
Undisclosed Desires
Stockholm Syndrome (RATM Freedom outro)
The 2nd Law: Unsustainable
Too bad I didn’t get to hear my favourite track from The 2nd Law (Animals) but considering the show was spectacular, I can’t complain too much!