
Sweet. Sister-in-law stays for a year.


“How do I tell everyone I just scored the greatest job and I’m not even done my co-op term yet?”

While I love all my friends in my life, it’s nice to have a little family around town as well. This is why I’m super pumped with the news that Andreane is sticking around for at least another year.

She is finishing up her school term at University of Ottawa. Man, time flies. She is currently doing co-op placements and stumbled upon a job interview at CHEO (which was also home to her co-op placement).

She waltzes into her first interview, nails it, and gets a part-time job with a sweet hourly wage. When I say part-time, I am talking about the greatest part-time schedule there ever was: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday full days. What the heck! I wish I could get long weekends as well!

I’m super stoked.