
Paintball Cometh

Tomorrow I’m going to play paintball for the first time ever. Now, I don’t know if you know this about me but if I have to sign a waiver to do an activity, I generally don’t do it. Yes, I hang glided on the big kid ride in Brazil but hey, I was forced by Vero to do that!

So I’ve been thinking of paintball all week long and with no knowledge of how it plays out, I have been biking and jogging all week long in fear of being hunted through the woods by 16-year olds that have way more experience at this kind of thing than me. I also wonder how it will feel to be hit by 500 paintballs in an afternoon?

Either way, the bachelor party will be tons of fun and I’m sure it’s won’t be as bad as I think it will be.

Or will it?