
Welcome to Abigail!

When you see me from this point on, you will see a ridiculously good looking Uncle as my sister had a baby girl named Abigail yesterday afternoon.

I don’t know if shewould appreciate me sending photos of her hopped up on meds with a baby in her hand. So I figured a shot of my Dad and Abigail is fine.

I also can’t tell what side of the family a baby looks like. I don’t have that gift. At least that kid looks super alert. Maybe the kid is super cold because in Kapuskasing, they don’t bother turning the heat on in public buildings until December 15. abigail 024


Remember, remember, the month of Movember

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to grumble!

Grumble about what?  Perhaps the lack of upper lip hair…or the fact that your husband is growing a moustache which is going to look pretty damn awesome to him, but not so awesome to you!

Either way, you know what time of year it is.  Moustaches across the world are being born as I type this…walking down the road you will notice the whiskers starting to sprout.

This year I’m lucky to have recruited quite a few gentlemen (and a lady!) to our cause.  Our team this year is the ‘Mo Bank’.  We have some of the regulars on the team (like our resident photographer Mike G!) as well as some people from my work.

Will we beat out Reed Ludwig?  I sure hope so!

Here’s my profile page:

Here is our team page:

If you are not familiar with the Movember campaign…it is a campaign which raises funds for prostate cancer research as well as promoting men’s health.

Canada has the honour of being the #1 country in donations for the past two years running.  Let’s make it a solid three!