
Baby’s First Kick

One night back in Kapuskasing, the Konopelky’s came over for what can only be described as the best roast beef and porketta Mom had ever made.  After that mighty feast, John and I pulled out the guitars for a night of tunes being plucked on the six strings.

Vero said she felt something weird going on while John and I sang and played and she has now identified it as the baby’s first kick!

Special thanks to John for helping provoke this special moment!


Great News, everything looks normal

So with pregnancy comes a lot of tests; bloodword, ultrasounds, etc.  I have to say that I have probably seen our Doctor more than I have ever seen her in the past decade!

Vero had gone for another blood test which they compare with the previous blood test to see if things a-ok and it sounds like they do!  Without any specifics yet (we are going to see the Doctor next week), that’s a relief.  Here I was hoping that we would be giving birth to the next form of homo-superior would have the ability to play every musical instrument known to man…hey, maybe there is still a chance since I doubt bloodwork can scan for mutants yet.

Right now, we are looking into the benefits of getting a midwife over an obstetrician.  I think we are leaning towards a midwife but having the baby in a hospital and not a birthing center.  Primary reason being that Montfort hospital has free wifi!  Heyo!


Day after the Christmas Party


For the 11th year in a row, we had a great turnout of friends to our annual Christmas party.  It was especially great to see Michael and Melanie drop by considering they are on Babywatch 2015 right now.  I was hoping that Melanie would have gone into labour right then and there but no such luck!

As always (or revisionist history might say), the men won the trivia cup!  There is no actual cup any longer as someone must have walked off with it (or it is very well hidden in our own home) but we celebrated nonetheless after our grand victory.

I have no idea what the future will hold in terms of Christmas parties…I would like to think that there will be one each year but who knows how the baby and parents will fare with sleep and parties?  But I don’t think we want to be the type of parents who shy away from attending events, but at the same time, we have NO idea what to expect and maybe it will be hell for us to even think of getting out of the house!  Time will tell I suppose.

I really enjoyed hearing Jeff tell me that I would make an excellent father after he witnessed the makeshift bed I made for Felix.  Melissa and Jeff both enjoyed the reading material I left for him!


Melissa and Jeff also dropped off a bag of what I am sure will be the first of many bags of baby related paraphernalia.  I have to admit that there were a few items that I was perusing that I honestly couldn’t figure out what they were used for.  Is it a bottle warmer? Is it something else?  Who knows?  They will drop and give us a crash course on the items they dropped off.

We also have to thank Mike and Melissa for giving us another excellent item for the house…an R2-D2 humidifier!  Also in the photo, my favourite t-shirt was found after a long year of taking a break.  It was still in the Christmas sweater I had thrown in the closet a year ago!






Getting the Christmas Party Ready

Woke up early this morning to get the day started on a good note…the party is tonight!

I whipped up a batch of chili with Vero and every year I try and convince her that we need more Pequin XXX hot flakes in the mix.  She disagrees.  One year I’ll be smart enough to make two batches of chili for the masses to try out.

Onto organizing a few games here and there.  The Annual Christmas party is always a good time and there is a mystery surrounding the birth of Mike and Melanie’s child…it’s about a week after it’s due date…will we get a call tonight that says they are in the hospital?  Maybe they will show up themselves at the party and I’ll have to deliver the baby myself (as any good host should do!).

Only time will tell!

Concert Reviews

Review: Nutcracker – Royal Winnipeg Ballet at National Arts Center