
Grandparent Visit

Sierra got a taste of the family as Mom and Dad came into town for a visit.  It’s nice having them here and I’m excited to explore this thing they call “Oh, we can take a shift during the night!”


Trish also dropped by in the afternoon with some excellent meatball subs and dessert for supper.  Yummy doesn’t even begin to describe it! Everyone that knows me knows I’m not one for the desserts, but it was pretty tasty!  Could it be lack of sleep which is the power that unlocks my hatred for desserts?  Perhaps!


We alost want to thank Maureen and John and Abigail for sending up TONS of clothes for Sierra.  It much appreciated!

Mike and Joanne also sent up some nice outfits as well as a cool toque for her.  Thanks guys!



Overall, it’s been a good day after a night with lack of sleep.  Sierra is starting to look around a little more which is interesting.  Mom also somehow has a good singing voice when it comes to putting people to sleep!


Enter: The Night from Hell!


What the heck?  The kid can roll over on her side already?

Well, there went the plans of sleeping in.

For the most part, the baby has been doing pretty good.  She feeds and then she sleeps.  If she isn’t sleeping, she just hangs out.

Until the other night where she screamed like a banshee after every feeding.  Nothing was working…rocking, singing, breakdancing…it just wasn’t working.

Feedings came and went, kid was still screaming.  I took Sierra from Vero to figure things out because Vero is the key ingredient in this mix at this point.

After a few hours downstairs with my handy earplugs, I finally clued into the power of my pinky finger in her mouth.  Bingo bango, I left that thing in for 30 minutes and she went to sleep.  Great success, nyes.

I did my victory dance three hours later when Vero and I woke up.

It was a tough night and we made it through and that’s what counts.  Also, I guess whatever trick I pulled out of my hat may not work the next night, but a victory is a victory nonetheless!