
Ask Sierra Anything: Star Trek

Benoit writes in:

Are you more excited by the next Star Trek film this Summer or the new upcoming tv show?

Sierra chimes in with her thoughts on the matter:

Well, while in general the films of Star Trek are a hit and miss, the TV show is generally what people think about when they think about Star Trek.  So I am definitely more excited about the new show that is coming out soon enough.  It’s also interesting to hear that it may take place across different eras which I’m not sure how will play out.  Will they have ten episodes in the Original Series and then jump to another ten in Next Generation?  Will they just mix and match the different eras in the same episode?  Who knows what will happen, or if they will travel across different eras or not.  Either way, Star Trek is awesome and it’s back!  I’m excited to check it out with Dad and convince Mom to get into the show.  P.S., did you know Dad ordered the entire Next Generation series on Amazon like a Geekus Prime?  Come on over whenever you want to check out a few episodes!

Sierra out!


                                    Live long and prosper, I will!