
Two Weeks

It’s been two weeks since you looked at me, cocked your head to the side and said “I’m hungry”.

Sierra has been with us for two weeks now.  I can remember two weeks ago quite vividly as we went into the Montfort hospital where Vero didn’t think she was having contractions per say, but whatever she was having were three minutes apart!  Luckily we headed in there otherwise I would have become Dr. Palmer at the house.

In the past few days we are noticing some chubby cheeks forming on this six pound frame of awesomeness.  It’s neat to see little differences happening over time.

She does seem to have a little more attention span between feedings now which makes life with her a little more interesting.  I think she really likes my bright red McGill sweatshirt as her eyes got really big when I put that on.  We’re also putting her on her stomach whenever she can and she seems to have a pretty strong neck so far.

Other than that, there’s not a lot to report in about.  It’s a little rough at times when she enters a cluster feed which is basically one feeding, then ten minutes later, another feeding, then ten minutes later, another feeding.  Vero is finding it very draining and there’s not much I can do other than offer some lactation balls from the freezer or fill up her water.  We are also starting to change her diaper AFTER her feeding instead of before so we will see if there are any negative repercussions from that.


I made her an offer she couldn’t refuse this afternoon.  Every time I watch this movie I think of Shawn as he and I were big fans of the film.

I have to say that I’m really not looking forward to going back to work in a week’s time.  Does Sierra change that much in a two week time period?  Not really.  Do I feel like I’m going to be missing out on her life by going back to work.  Heck yeah.  But that’s what life is, unless I check those Lotto Max numbers and they tell me otherwise!

We don’t venture outside of the house too much…the past few days consist of Vero and Sierra waking up quite late because they had a hard night.  Then before you know it, bam!  The afternoon is over and done with.  It’s hilarious how I was mapping out what I could do when Sierra was sleeping….stain the deck, do some chores, etc.  But here I am just trying to conserve some energy for whenever I may need it.


She is pretty pensive while contemplating either letting one rip or letting out a scream.

She is a pretty good baby so far though other than the cluster feeding.  I can’t really fault her for being hungry!  But we haven’t seen any signs of colic or anything like that.  She seems to be in good spirits after feedings and seems to be putting on weight.  That’s all we can ask for!



For historical reference, a lot of people are saying they see a lot of her Dad in her, especially a cowlick above her right eyebrow.  Luckily, she will most likely have long hair for most of her life so maybe that will work in her favour, unlike her father’s cowlick!  I’m hoping some of her mother starts showing up because Vero is the most beautiful person I’ve met, so it would be great to see that happen again and not just have a female version of me roaming Canada.

I honestly can’t say I see much resemblance yet, but I have a hard time seeing those kind of things in newborns.  I remember seeing a lot of me in Abigail when she was a few months old.

Signing off for the night!  Perhaps I’ll finish watching The Godfather while my girls sleep.



Thanks Mike!

Mike the baby whisperer dropped by to pick up some stuff and managed to lull my baby to sleep.  Hallelujah!

He also dropped off this beer from the new Tuque de Broue brewery that opened in Embrun.  With Vero and the baby asleep, it’s time to crack this open and give it a try!