
Weekend Visitors

We were very fortunate to have a lot of visitors this past weekend…so many that we even had to cancel on a few others!  We’ve realized that we have no idea how much sleep we will get in a night, so we should watch how many events we book in a day!

Friday night, Krista dropped by along with the lady killer: Ethan!


Pro Mom right there.


It was very nice to see them both.  Ethan is a curious creature and enjoyed traipsing around the yard checking out the ants entering the house and scoping out the pine cone collection.  Fast Fact: Did you know that Vero calls Sierra ‘cocotte’ and in French that means ‘pine cone’?  Strange!  It was also great to hear that the canteen at work is doing well as Krista and I took it over a few weeks ago.


The next morning, Holly, Alex and the family showed up after their swimming lessons.  I really like hanging out with their kids as they are fun to horse around with.  I would also like to officially say that I have found my new favourite soup…Holly’s bean soup!  It’s like I’m actually eating a piece of Mexico!  YUM!


Alex giving me tips on how to calm a baby.


Grace playing with Fredo the monkey.  She quite adored that thing until she broke down crying in the next minute.  I have been informed it is a case of the ‘Terrible Two’s’.


Here is the amazing bean soup that Holly made for us!  She just happened to photobomb the picture I was taking of the soup.

It’s really neat to have kids visit us because we get a glimpse of what our future holds for us.  It’s also funny to see how some kids like hanging around with the baby, whereas others couldn’t be bothered and just want to find some toys around the house to play with.  I’m sure I was like that when I was younger.

On Sunday, the Buhr/Haig clan came over in the afternoon.  Ryley was telling me that he saw the new Popstar movie and it was a hit.  I’m excited to see it so I will keep my eyes open for when it comes out of the theatre.  I don’t generally watch movies in the theatre as I prefer to sit in the basement with a beer instead!  I have a home theatre system for a reason.


Future Babysitter’s Club member sitting right here with Sierra!


Jenna learns from the best example of a Mom I know!


I was showing Jenna the power of the excellent moustache app I acquired.


This is basically how I end up after every visit…taking a nap!