
A Visit from a Wizard

It’s pretty hot here in Ottawa these days so it was a fast walk around the block so Sierra could get some breeze!


There’s only so many exciting shots I can get during our walk.

After our walk, we headed down to the basement to cool off and Sierra requested that I put in the new U2 tour concert into the blu-ray player.  She thought it was a pretty good video and it’s nice to see the tour that Joelle, Alan, Vero and I went to a year ago in Montreal.



How YOU doin’?

Trish dropped by for lunch at the chip stand as we realized that some of our friends don’t have regular 9-5 hours for work.  It was nice to see her before she traipsed off to PEI for the month of July.


Note the Mennonite hat that they decided to put on her.


Gandalf the Grey happened to be hanging out at the chip stand so he agreed to be photographed with Sierra.


An exciting lunch out…Vero’s first poutine after her pregnancy (she had a gall bladder attack the other time she tried one), and Trish’s first whistle dog!  Plus Sierra really liked the taste of gravy!


Later in the afternoon, Melanie and Jonathan dropped by to hang out with us.  Sierra is pretty excited as they are planning to move to Embrun in a month from now so they will be closer to her.


A busy day for Sierra, but what day shouldn’t be?