
Bonne fete Gaetan!

Gaetan and Danielle showed up on Friday and the entire Cantin Clan descended into the house for a few days this past weekend.  It’s great to have everyone around.

On Saturday when it was raining, we surprised Gaetan with a trip to Escape Manor which is a pretty cool event to try out.  They lock you in a themed room and you have 45 minutes to try and figure out the clues to escape.  This time around, we were cat burglars on one last mission and I accidentally tripped the laser alarm system so we had 45 minutes to get the necklace and get out of the room.  We almost made it out and if we had one more minute we may have made it out.  I did cheat a little with 2 minutes left and just tried random combinations on the combination lock and it actually worked and opened up!  But it was still too late in the game to get out in time.  But Escape Manor is a fantastic event to do with a group and I highly recommend you try it out!  Everyone definitely enjoyed their time.

I ended up heading over to the Comic Book Shoppe and picking up the Ticket to Ride – Europe board game with a gift card that my old team mates had given me awhile ago when I left the team.  Evan, Andréane and I tried it out that afternoon and it was pretty fun.  We didn’t end up finishing it but perhaps another day we will.

This was Andréane after I had her taste horseradish for the first time.  She was NOT impressed.

Saturday evening we all headed out to a Chinese buffet place called Mandarin which had just opened in Orleans.  I never knew these places were so popular but we showed up for reservations for 7PM and we didn’t get our table until 8PM.  I did personally make best use of the buffet and filled a good five plates.  I have to say that I don’t generally enjoy buffets anymore these days as I just don’t have a large appetite but everything there was great tasting so I was fine to put more and more on my plate.  Thanks to Grand-maman Payeur for paying for the meal!  She always sends some money at Christmas for the family so each year we decide to go out together and have supper.

Note Evan with his cantaloupe.  He had approximately 63 pieces of that stuff at the buffet!

Because Sierra had been sleeping for most of the afternoon, she didn’t want to go to sleep that night so I unfortunately got whammed with a baby who didn’t fall asleep until 2:30am.  Even at that, I think I just passed her to Vero and told her I think she was hungry and I don’t remember much of what happened after that!  When we both got some energy later that morning, I helped Gaetan start to put a backslash up in the kitchen while Danielle made some shepard’s pies.

Italian Spider-Man stare down.  If you haven’t seen Italian Spider-Man…what are you waiting for?

I would like to thank Princess Auto for having awesome prices on awesome tools.  I picked up a ceramic tile saw for a cool $60.  Gaetan couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw that.

Where the Sapporo bottle come from?!

Gaetan had to recruit some help when I went back to work for the day.