
Exciting Sunday

On Sunday we had a slew of visitors pop in for a visit.  I felt like I was at the cottage down in Gaspe!

First off, Mom and Dad stopped by on their way to visit to Gaspe.  They were heading down there later this year but they managed (read: Sierra convinced them) to drop in for a day to check in on things.

Sierra cried for seven days and seven nights after her grandparents left.  Clearly she misses them!  I am kidding of course.

Oncle Michel, Melissa and Felix dropped by shortly after to check in on Sierra.  I heard Felix cry at one point and I think Sierra might have scared him?  Not sure what happened but it was an interesting scene with both of them crying at one point!

Oncle Michel having some fun with Sierra.

Then Lynn and Sue dropped by for a quick visit!

“Yes, I am that awesome.  Soak it in.”  – Sierra

Perfect weather to hang out on the deck.  No flies and not excruciatingly hot!

Lynn, here is the beer you liked.  I picked it up in a mixer pack in Quebec back in the spring.  I also love how Crazy Jerry’s Boot Scootin’ Garlic Mushrooms makes an appearance in this photo!

Sierra is very lucky to have so many visitors and it’s not over yet.  My sister is coming up this coming week and after that we’ll get around to booking some other people who have been asking to meet her!