
Some random photos

Na na na na na na na nannnnn – Batgirl!


I love when Vero sends me a photo of the day!

Hanging out in the gym.  Mike mentioned how Sierra might have the tendency to put her head to one side so we’re trying our best to position her the other way on the floor so she can watch TV the other way.  Currently, she doesn’t really change her head position and just stares at the wall instead!

Sierra sometimes enjoys tummy time and this is one of those rare moments.

Whatchoo lookin’ at?

This was taken the day she got her first vaccinations.  She was a champ through the whole ordeal!  She cried a little but Vero fed her and she settled down.  CHAMP!



A few more pictures for Clive

It is HOT in Ottawa these days!

This is what my Friday nights are like these days.