
Sierra at eight months

Hey ho!  Let’s go!

Another month has crawled by (ha!  I just caught that pun).  I feel that February has been the month of the deep winter slumber.  Every night when Sierra would go to bed, I didn’t even want to watch much TV.  I just wanted to curl up and read a book.  I am feeling that spring is in the air so I’m coming out of that funk.

But who can really be in a funk when you have Sierra crawling around the house all the time!  It is exciting times for the family and also a little stressful as the 12 month mark approaches and we are looking for daycare.  Sierra is still babbling away and has a good hearty laugh when you fan her face during a diaper change, or when the kiss monster (aka Maman) appears.  She is also starting to pull herself up whenever she can which is the precursor to madness, I’m sure.

Onto the photos!

Sierra sure loves her mom’s dog slipper.  Actually, she is quite intrigued in dogs.  We were over at Rob and Jan’s place the other day and she couldn’t really figure out what the heck the dog was.

Sometimes I only see these photos as I am posting them and have to come up with the story behind them.  This photo was taken before an epic snowball fight started between mother and daughter.  This was Vero’s starting shot.

Then Sierra retaliated.  Good shot!

No love lost after a snowball fight.

Two teeth!

Wow, I have no idea where this photo was taken!  This looks like a suspect high school locker room.  Sierra has some wild adventures during the day!  Actually, this is probably the locker room at the swimming pool.  Sierra supposedly quite enjoyed it!

Start them young.

I can’t actually tell if she likes this goop or not.

We went out to the Vars carnival which very cool.  There was a great spaghetti supper at the school and then we trekked over to the park for a bonfire and FREE beavertails!  Unheard of!  What a great community we live in.  There were a lot of kids running around having a good time.  It wasn’t too cold out either so we managed to stay for an hour before Sierra had to go home and be fed.

Baby strollers and bonfires.

Check out this Beavertail on a STICK!  This was a great idea.

Here is her favourite spot in the house under the coffee table.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Vero begged me for a new background on her cellphone.  I put this on it.  Damn.  I look good.

Max dropped by with an 1/8 of a cow we had purchased.  Thanks dude!  Sierra and him played along quite well.  Too bad I don’t have a good photo of the two of them.  Maybe Mike does?

Model fathers.

I love how I just noticed that Sierra is pushing the doll around the house!  Driving Miss Daisy!

We figured we had another 15 years until she started driving.

Sierra got her very own transmogrifier!!!

Oh, Calvin and Hobbes, how I love thee.


Concert Reviews

Review: The Tea Party at Algonquin Commons Theatre

Thoughts from the show (written in 2019)

  • Part of Tx20 tour – 20 years of Transmission
  • Pretty amazing to hear all the Transmission tunes live.
  • I really like it when bands play a full album and then add a few hits at the end.  I also like it when they mix up the album instead of playing it in order.  Unless you’re playing Dark Side of the Moon!
  • Went with Eliane and Etienne.

Opening band: The Road Heavy

Emerald!  Only my favourite Transmission tune.

The crew!






Army Ants

@Set[Set 2]
Writing’s on the Wall
The Bazaar
The Ocean at the End
Heaven Coming Down / All Along the Watchtower
Save Me

Winter Solstice / Sister Awake / Paint It Black




Changing the circulator pump on the hydronic system

I wake up on Monday morning and find it a little cool in the house.  No matter, I’ll eat my breakfast and hit the elliptical.  The floor is a little cold to me when I’m doing my pushups.  No matter, I figure it’s just something I’m not used to.

Then I go have a shower and when I hop out I think “Dang, these tiles are colder than usual.”  I check the thermostat and sure enough, it’s set for 72 and it’s sitting at 66.  Aww man!  What a way to start the Monday morning.

I go downstairs to inspect the damage.  The boiler is working fine and I’m getting hot water which is a good sign (the boiler heats both the radiators as well as the indirect water heater in the house).  So for some reason, there is no hot water going through the radiators.  I check the house for any leaks and see nothing.  I stare at the array of various pipes heading in and out of the furnace.  I consult our good friend Mr. Google.  At the end of the research, I’ve determined that if no hot water is going into the entire house, there is a circulating pump out of whack.  Considering I have two that feeds the radiators and I know I changed one of them a few years ago, I figure it’s the other one that’s the culprit.  That’s my hunch at least.  If it’s something else, Lord knows what the heck it is.

I call up a well known plumbing supply store in town and ask if they have the Bell and Gossett NRF-22 in stock.  They do not but they say that they have the equivalent of the Grundfos up15-58fc.  Sounds good to me!  I ask what time they are closed that day and I head into town with the knowledge that my baby woke up shivering in the night and Vero had to take her into bed for the night.  It is my mission from up high to get this thing working!

It’s a 20 minute drive for me to get into town and when I get there, I’m pretty bummed to find out that the part isn’t even in stock!  Clearly, this is my fault as I didn’t explicitly ask “Do you have this item in stock?”.  I guess me asking “Hey, what time do you close?” and “I’m on my way in.” has nothing to do with an item being in stock.  The client service person tells me the equivalent pump is coming in tomorrow so I get her to put one on hold for me.

I drive home and realize that I really need to figure this problem out today.  So I start looking for other plumbing supply stores.  After an hour of calling up random shops from Google Maps, I stumble upon another one and they have the equivalent in stock!  Bonus!  I head back out to pick up this pump.  Irony was shining on me as the supply store was literally across the street from the other shop I had gone to.  If I had just stopped, looked around the street and saw a giant “Plumbing Supply” sign, I could have saved myself a trip.

No matter, I walk in, grab the pump, make sure that it’s the same dimensions and the bolt pattern is correct.  All matches up and I head on home.

Taking the old pump off of the hydronic system turns out to be a slight mess.  I had shut off all the valves in the system and opened the drain valve and nothing came out.  Thinking that for some reason that maybe there was no water in that part of the system anymore, I figured the only thing I could do is take the old pump off.  Of course, water starts spraying everywhere (which I expected) so the bucket was taking in a LOT of water.  After awhile it finally subsided and I was thinking that I must have drained way more than what was in the pipes surrounding the pump.  I looked a little closer at the entire system and after peeking my head up into the suspended ceiling, I realized there was another valve to shut off and that valve was the water intake valve which was constantly pumping water into the system if it’s missing!  Ha ha, no wonder there was a lot of water coming out.  It never would have ended!

With that, I take the pump off and notice that the bottom pipes are still full of water.  I realize that the drain valve must have been clogged all along so I take a coat hanger, jostle it around and sure enough, a load of sediment comes pouring out all over the place and the system is finally drained.

I work at putting the new pump in and then it dawns on me. 

It’s NOT the equivalent pump.  Sure, it fits good, but the wiring is different.  My old model allows for daisy chaining…a set of wires into the pump and and a set of wires out to power the next pump in line. 

This pump only had one inlet for wiring.  As if!!!

I call the store back and they say the pluming guy is on lunch break.  Instead of waiting for a call back, I figure I might as well bring the old and the new pump into the store so they can see what I’m dealing with.  Trip #3 into town and it’s now 2PM and no heat in the house.  My anxiety is starting to raise.

I get to the supply shop and explain my predicament.  The instruction manual does explicitly say that there are certain models that allow for two wiring inlets but the guys at the shop have no idea what model that is.  They suggest I try and just cram all these wires into the same hole.  So now I have to get six wires down one hole.

With no other options, I head home feeling defeated.  I call up Dad to act as a sounding board and he agrees that it *should* work since it’s just tying wires together to power another pump.

After a few more hours of wiring hell, placing the pump in, turning the water back on, having water leak from the pump, taking the pump off and realizing there was some sediment that had rusted onto the pipe that I had to file to get a smooth surface, putting the pump back in, having another leak due to me not tightening it up enough….I flicked the breaker and waited for magic to happen.

It didn’t happen.  There was gurgling sounds from the boiler and I could tell that the water heater was getting heat but not the radiators.

I felt defeat.  What a day.  It was ridiculous.  Here I was trying to get heat for my wife and baby and it just wasn’t working.  Vero suggested we call an HVAC guy.  There really was no other option.

I checked the wiring, I checked everything else.  Everything *should* be working. 

Defeated, I started cleaning out the storage room so the HVAC guy would have a good spot to work in.  Vero came in and chatted with me and out of nowhere, when I was at my lowest point, I hear the click of the circulating pump come on and everything comes to life.  I have no idea why it takes so long to come to life, but it did.  Maybe there was an airlock in the system, maybe it has to reach a certain temperature in the indirect water heater first…I don’t know.

But the thing works now.  I was in shock for a few hours and didn’t realize what I had accomplished until later that evening.

I felt like a golden god!  Yes, I still have an issue where the wiring to the pump is so bulky that I can’t put the cover over it…but I’ll just duct tape the hell out of it.

All in all, I’m happy now, but it was a frustrating day.

Crawling up a storm

Wow, we have officially hit the brick wall in taking photos of Sierra.  I just checked Google Photos and there are just two pictures taken in the past month by me.  Perhaps Vero has some on her camera that I will have to nab.

Well, without much to show you, here’s an animation of Sierra crawling.  I am really enjoying how Sierra is a machine that motors around the house on all fours.  I believe this is much more fun than say…when she figures out how to walk and then that will just lead to bloody noses and head bumps!

In the morning when I get up with her (which is the weekend), I get her out of her crib and put her on the floor and then walk out to the kitchen to get a bottle ready for her.  It’s up to her to follow me and she’s usually pretty good at motoring down the hallway to find me.  At this point, she doesn’t exactly come to me if I call to her…but if I ignore her for a bit, she decides it’s time to come closer to me.

She is also tugging on our pant legs whenever she is near and she is trying her best to stand herself up with the help of objects like the coffee table.  The development of a kid is fascinating as you can see them working it all out in their brain and I know one day it will just click for her.

Until then, I will enjoy the sound of two hands and two knees slap slap slapping the floor, motoring down the hallway.  She’s especially a fan of the bathroom so whenever she senses that the door is left open, she hightails it to that room!  It’s hilarious.


Sunday morning fun times

7am on Sunday has officially become more fun.