
Sierra’s 20th Month

It’s January here and it’s been mighty cold.  -40 for a few weeks at the beginning of the month was not a fun time for Sierra…not much to do when you’re stuck indoors!  We did our best to go to a store and let her walk around whenever we could.

Sierra has had a rash that would show up on her cheek and other areas of her body from time to time.  At first we thought it might be an allergy of sorts.  Then we started thinking it might be some form of eczema.  Whatever it is, it prompted us to try some non-scented bath wash/shampoo and some different creams to put on her body.  We have no idea if any of this helped, but it went from her cheek down to her legs and feet and at the time of writing, it’s all cleared up.  Maybe it’s some weird rash that spreads through the body and then the skin gets used to it and it disappears?  Who knows.

For the past week I tend to put on videos about elephants or hippos or other creatures while Sierra eats breakfast.  She gets really excited when she sees these majestic creatures.

Sierra having fun with her new abacus…always handy if the nuclear war destroys all calculators.

Good thing we were cleaning out the storage room otherwise it would have been months to stumble upon another Christmas gift that was wrapped up in a shower curtain!  Nanny had bid on this item from a silent auction in Gaspe…it is a frame of all formats that music has been released on…78s, 45’s, 33 1/3, 8 tracks…you name it, they got it.  Quite an interesting history lesson!

I’ve been really inspired to write music during the past month.  I managed to finish up two solid tunes which I’m quite happy with.  Here’s my trusty helper showing me how to use the guitar pick.

Sierra practicing some yoga moves.

New Year’s Eve dinner over at Jon and Chantal’s, where we had supper with a monkey.

Victor Von Dube with his eye on the prize.

The kids put on a great spectacle for us.

Photographing children is an exercise in futility.


Standing straight and tall!

Sierra is starting to play with her food in the morning instead of eating it.  This drives me slightly mad.

We got to head up to Lynn and Sue’s for a night which was fantastic (although it was -40 outside so there wasn’t much fun in the woods happening!)

Sierra really enjoyed traveling the world.

The kids playing in the morning

I’ve been working at Place du Portage since 2001 and I never knew there was a greenhouse in the building!  Nat and Etienne were quite amazed at the selection.

While Ellie enjoyed opening gifts for her first birthday, Sierra was scoping out the toy room.

Aunt Trish managed to capture Sierra a few times

The trick is to start them young in building Ikea furniture so they can handle their own Billy bookcase when in university!

For the past few months Sierra has been interested in what we were up to when making supper.  I stumbled upon the idea of a ‘learning tower’; something that can allow kids to safely watch/help out at the counter height.  Someone developed an Ikea hack so I bought this step stool for $25 and spent another $10 for wood (let’s not count the other $20 of screws!  I figure that’s a negligible cost considering I used 10 screws out of a pack of 100).  Other than freezing my ass off outside in the garage in the middle of January, I would say it was a success.  The only issue I had was there were no wood coloured stools at Ikea when we dropped by so I (I mean Mom) will need to paint it white.  An important thing to remember is that this thing can still tip over fairly easily.  Mike and Melanie one that was pretty much the same design and poor Max tipped it over one day.  I’m wondering if I can learn from that lesson and perhaps attach a piece of plywood on the bottom so it would make it harder to tip over.  I’ll think about it over a few beer.

It’s exciting to see Sierra very interested in how tools work.

At work, they were moving us to the fifth floor so everyone stored their plants and other assorted junk in my office on the second floor while they moved.  I felt like I was living in the jungle for a few days!

Showing off her latest masterpiece.

With the fourth floor closing up for renovations I begged Vero to come visit me at work before they tore it all down.  It was in this very spot back in 2005 that Vero rounded the corner and I was blown away by this stunning human being.

A re-enactment of my reaction when she rounded the corner.

This was definitely her reaction years ago.  No lie.  It was neat to see Vero come back to the fourth floor after all these years (she had worked there as a summer student).  Some things had changed and others hadn’t.  

Check out this awesome Deadpool that Amy made for Sierra!

Near the end of January it started to get to be nice outside so we took advantage of it and went snowshoeing.  Last year we were able to carry Sierra in the sling but this year it was time to try out a sled.  We had a bought a nice big red one and it was horrible as she kept falling off when I would pull it.  We resorted to using her baby sleigh that she is nearly done with.  From the looks of it, she didn’t mind at all!

From my vantage point, I couldn’t tell if she was having a good time or not with those screams.

I think she must have been getting tired at this point?

She sure loves those bubbles.

Mel and Jon invited us over for supper (where we could also try out some tunes for their wedding in July).  I snuck off to the basement to hang out with the cool kids at one point.

Sierra is still pretty shy around the kids (maybe not the ones at daycare?).  I tried to get a few photos of her but she was always on the outside just minding her own business.  No matter, it’ll take a few years for her to realize these friends are awesome.

Theatre friends plotting the demise of their husbands.

I had to leave the party early to see Big Wreck on their 20th anniversary tour of ‘In Loving Memory Of’.  It was a great night out with Etienne at Algonquin College.  The only thing that sucks about the college is that you have to finish your beer before going into the theatre!

Killer, killer night with them playing their entire first album (and b-side Ill Advice, only one of my favourite Big Wreck tunes!).  They also finished off with a couple of extra tunes and blew our minds with guitar solos.  Seriously, how insane is Ian Thornley on the fretboard?  Also, I have to point out that Algonquin College always offers a great view from the floor, especially if you venture to the right hand of the stage where there is no one standing.

See ya!



New recording in the Music section

I recently recorded my set at Lynn and Sue’s place in Perth, ON.  Check it out in the music section (top right hand corner)!

Concert Reviews

Review: Bullet for my Valentine, Breaking Benjamin and Avenged Sevenfold at the Canadian Tire Center

I came for Breaking Benjamin, I left being a fan of Avenged Sevenfold.”

Decent view of everything going on!

A few months back I see that Breaking Benjamin is coming to town along with Bullet for My Valentine and Avenged Sevenfold.  I was a huge Breaking Benjamin fan ever since we saw them open up for Evanescence back in 2004.  So it didn’t even matter who was touring with them this time around…I was going to see them again.

Tyler and his brother Ryan graced us with some burgers and beers for the show and along with Eric and Mike in tow, we headed out to the Canadian Tire Center for 6PM.  Quite the early start but that’s what you get with three bands on the bill.

While I thought our seats would have been quite good, they put us directly perpendicular with the screen so there was no way we would have been able to see anything going on.  Luckily, our section had tons of extra room so we just meandered to the other end of the row and sat down there with a decent view.

Ottawa isn’t generally known for being the best crowd I have ever witnessed but I have to admit that when you bring in bands that haven’t generally hit the area, the arena gets filled with rabid fans who have been waiting years to see their favourite band.

Case in point…the floor was PACKED for Bullet for My Valentine and the crowd was on fire.  In fact, there were two distinct mosh pits going on for the entire night.  It was quite awesome to behold.  I believe Mike summed it up best (well, with my paraphrasing) by stating “I want to be on the floor and in all that energy, but my body is quite comfortable sitting here sipping on a beer.”  I couldn’t agree more.  It’s exciting to be in a crowd with all that energy…but you couldn’t even have alcohol on the floor which is a very lame new rule at the Canadian Tire Center.  Is that happening all over Canada in other venues?

Bullet for My Valentine was awesome.  They brought the energy up instantly and we were all amped up for the rest of the show.  Mike is a huge fan and was happy with their set.  I can’t say I know many tunes, nor do I know many tunes of Avenged Sevenfold.  They were icing on the Breaking Benjamin cake.

After going to get another beer, Eric stumbled upon a fifty dollar bill!  We feel bad for that kid who lost his Uber-ride home money, but hey, it ramped up our night!

Here’s where a confession has to come out.  I really was excited to see Breaking Benjamin.  They are in my top hard rock acts of all time list.  But you know what?  I came out of that show severely underwhelmed for the first half of their set and they managed to bring me back up a little with their rendition of the Imperial March and a few covers of Tool, Nirvana and Pantera.  But…man, it kind of sucked.  Musically, they sounded great!  But there was no energy to their music and I swear if I ever see the frontman take the catwalk again, I will leave the room.  Every chance he got, he was out there strutting his stuff, no guitar in hand.  I also was quite peeved that between every song there was some weird atmospheric musical intermission.  Dudes…you’re a band with 8 songs to play.  Don’t have a minute long PA speaker song happening between songs.  Keep the energy up and power through those things.

Well, that’s that.  Eric and I were severely underwhelmed with what we saw.  Not sure what to think anymore of that band…I think it’s a mix of 1) the logistics of their stage show 2) coming after Bullet for my Valentine who had so much more energy 3) maybe I’ve just grown out of their style of music 4) seriously dude, stop strutting on the catwalk so much!  I honestly don’t know if I would even bother going to see them in concert if they stumbled back into Ottawa.

With that bad taste in our mouth, I had high hopes for Avenged Sevenfold, a band that Vero’s cousins introduced me to and at the time, I thought they were a band that blatantly stole riffs from Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden.  I gave them a chance and they had some good tunes but I hadn’t fallen in love with what they had to offer.  I did start to enjoy their latest album The Stage which they were currently touring.


If it didn’t end up being one of the better concerts I’ve seen in a long time!

Avenged Sevenfold blowing our minds.

Seriously, I am officially a huge fan now.  The crowd took everything the band threw at them and threw it back at them.  So many mosh pits, so many hands pumping in the air.  It was an awesome show.  I have been thinking that we are witnessing the end of an era of bands who can take control of an entire arena…Metallica, Guns N Roses, Bon Jovi…they are getting up their in age.  There’s not many bands that can take an arena and transform it to an experience….well Avenged Sevenfold is one of them.  Zacky Vengeance and Synyster Gates are insane on the guitar.  I feel Gates is like Kirk Hammett on steroids.  I also laughed at how he looks like a mannequin most of the time up on screen but I can understand why…he needs to focus so much on playing these face melting riffs!

The mark of a great band is that you don’t even have to know half their songs but you are still entertained by their show.  Entertained we were.  Eric said it best: “How have I not known about this band all these years?!”

Incredible night had by all.

Twenty years of rocking and still going strong.  Strong being the 200 level with comfy seats.

Bullet for My Valentine setlist

Your Betrayal
No Way Out
The Last Fight
4 Words (To Choke Upon)
Tears Don’t Fall
Waking the Demon
Don’t Need You

Breaking Benjamin Setlist

So Cold
Angels Fall
Sooner or Later
Blow Me Away
Never Again
The Imperial March / Schism / Smells Like Teen Spirit / Walk
Until the End
I Will Not Bow
The Diary of Jane

Avenged Sevenfold Setlist

The Stage
Hail to the King
Beast and the Harlot
Buried Alive
So Far Away
God Damn
Chapter Four
Exist @Info[abridged]
Wish You Were Here [Pink Floyd]
Bat Country

Welcome to the Family
A Little Piece of Heaven
Unholy Confessions



RIP Dolores O’Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan of The Cranberries died today at the age of 46.  No real details at this point, but what does it matter anyhow?

A few thoughts are going through my mind, memories mostly.

  • I have very vivid memories of listening to ‘Dreams’ on the dock at Angele’s house in Moonbeam, along with Carol.
  • I wasn’t into music until the mid-90s and that was the height of the Cranberries power over our brain, our ears and our heart. I remember hearing their music at friend’s houses, at parties…wherever you went, it was on.
  • I remember being in Carol’s basement trying to play guitar and I’m pretty sure I was trying to learn ‘Dreams’ on guitar. Even now I probably would have a hard time with the picking pattern!
  • I remember seeing them at the Molson Amphitheatre in 1999. Man, we had horrible seats, but it was still a great show.  I remember it was back in the day of when I would write down the songs of the setlist as they were playing…so I always brought a piece of paper and a pen with me.  That didn’t last too long.  Kids reading this are probably asking “Why didn’t you just write it in a note section on your phone?”
  • I also remember Collective Soul opening up for them and they were touring their Dosage album. MAN, what a killer tour.
  • I remember the shock of the ending of ‘I Just Shot John Lennon’. Quite surprising the first time you hear that song.
  • To The Faithful Departed is still my favourite Cranberries album. They just brought a level of aggressiveness which was typical of most stuff coming out of the 90s.
  • I remember trying to get tickets to see them in Montreal last year. I didn’t manage to but I just found a few weeks ago that the tour had ended up being cancelled due to Dolores having back problems.
  • Will my kid ever have musicians that have an incredible force such as the Cranberries? I’m not sure!  I feel that many musicians don’t have a lot of staying power these days.
  • Wow, she was only 46 years old?  That’s only six years older than I am!  When I was younger, even if you would have said to 15 year old me that Dolores was 21 years old, I would have thought that was so far in the future that I couldn’t even fathom being that old.  Now?  Damn, 6 years isn’t that far away!

RIP Dolores.

Bonus: I dug up the greatest photos of all time from the August 27, 1999 concert I was at.  Collective Soul opened, Cranberries closed and as you can tell by the photos, we had the greatest seats in the house.






Someone should get me a portal gun so I can go back in time and tell myself not to waste my film on this memory!