Context: We’ve been getting her to go to the bathroom by herself, including wiping.
Sierra: “Dad, come and check!”
Dad: “Ok, so…if there’s nothing on the toilet paper when I wipe you, that’s a good thing. So…what do you want if there’s nothing on it?” (insert positive reinforcement ploy that rarely works anyhow).
Sierra: “Uhm…I DON’T want the iPad at quiet time.”
Dad: “Don’t you mean that you do want the iPad at quiet time?”
Sierra: “No, I DON’T want it at quiet time if there’s nothing on the toilet paper.”
I stood there trying to figure this out and then it dawned on me.
Dad: “Wait, that means that if there is something on the toilet paper (which 99% of the time there is), then that means you get the iPad for quiet time?”
Sierra: “That’s right!”
Dad: “Nice try. That’s not how it works.”