
Sierra’s 53rd month

Sierra has become quite autonomous in some ways, and very needy in others.  She can easily wait until 7:00 appears on her clock and then she gets up and watches TV in the morning.  Her go-to shows are currently Super Monsters, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and I see some Paw Patrol or Dora the Explorer pop in once in awhile  Here I thought she was really getting into He-Man!  Those days have past.

But she constantly needs our attention when she is doing something.  “Look at me Maman, no LOOK AT ME!”  We usually offer up the opportunity to wash the dishes so we can go play.  Somehow she realizes this isn’t the best case scenario and she leaves us alone.

She’s also losing interest in going outside.  I can only imagine it is because it is starting to get colder outside and a few more layers have to be put on.  Let’s be honest…who WANTS to go outside in the cold compared to the heat?

One month into school, I am impressed that she can colour within some lines and trace quite well.  A little work needs to be done on the writing department but she’s on the right track!  I am also quite excited to see what she works on each day.  This is definitely a bonus of virtual learning from home.

Here’s a great example of what I DO NOT care for about virtual learning…there’s a lot more involvement from the parent.  I know, I know, you are all screaming that I am a parent and I signed up for all of this!  This is true.  But there’s something to be said for the amazing freeing concept of ‘I’m dropping my kids off and I don’t have to deal with them for the entire day while they are at school.”  Here we had to figure out how to build a grid for her to do an activity.  At the beginning of the school year we were scrambling the day of trying to assemble all of this stuff.  We smartened up (for the most part!) and try and get these things done the night before.

Pretty good!

After school is done it’s play time, everyone’s favourite time of the day!

Look at the muscles on this kid!

Some Saturday mornings are meant for making Halloween decorations.

“Dad, take a photo of me on a hill.  Dad.  DAD!”

I can’t believe we are still finding dandelions in October!

The garden is seeing its last days but we still find a few treats.

Is this…an apple mask?  I’m not sure.

There’s Sierra and her friend having some fun after attending virtual school together.  While virtual school is fun, there’s a LOT less (none?) physical activity.  I shouldn’t say that…I walk by sometimes and see that they have an exercise video playing and she is dancing around.  We also do some exercise videos in the morning before school each day.  But I don’t think it’s a replacement for recess!

I had a good laugh when I whipped this up for Carol who thought I could photoshop a shark in behind her and her father.

This was the last time we saw Sierra after the leaf monster got her.

Here’s an example of what I don’t like about virtual school…we had to give her a bunch of things to make car ramps and tunnels with.  That’s not an issue since I have a garage of junk.  But who would have thought that we are house THAT DOES NOT OWN A RACE CAR?  I asked a friend if we could borrow some and they replied “How many and which colours?”  Clearly they did not encounter the same issue that we did!

This tree saw a lot of use at the end of the summer

I decided to put up some gymnast rings as Sierra had grown enough to reach them.  It was hard for her to hold herself up for long so we embarked on some muscle building exercises

Oh Jason, you are so wise!

We returned to the trail that Jon and Chantal had introduced to us a few weeks ago.  Look at the size of that leaf!

Sierra enjoyed seeing some slow motion videos of the leaves falling.

Sierra mastering the art of putting the right amount of cheerios into a muffin…holder?  What are those things called?

It was pouring rain and cold but Sierra insisted on dropping off a birthday gift to her friend.

This monkey was hanging out in a tree back at this office for a few years.  My friend Trisha picked it up as she shares my love of Legend of Zelda.  I packed it up along with the rest of my belongings and here is Sierra playing with a monkey we named Kiki.

Sierra practicing her selfie skills

I’m not sure when this came into  my possession but I found it in my suitcase.  It is from Abitibi Canyon’s winter carnival back in 1982.  Pretty neat!


Mom trying out her camera when they came back from Gaspe

Sierra is pretty good at posing for photos but we all know she wants to do a silly face as well

I swear every time Mom comes up with end up making a cake!

Grandma hanging onto Sierra

Setting up for Hallowe’en

Grandma chasing after Sierra!  Watch out!

Sierra is pretty tired after Grandma chasing her all over the place!

Poppa looking great as always at 70 years of age

Watching TV

When the fall arrived I started noticing that the fan in the hallways wasn’t turning on.  Sure enough, this ventilator had seen its last legs.  It was really hard to find a replacement…one guy even told me he hadn’t seen something like this in 20 years!  That’s the problem with older homes.  After a few weeks of researching my options I followed through on one of my Dad’s original suggestions…taking the motor out and replacing it.  It was a fairly painless process after I found the part number from the manufacturer and called a place where they helped me find an equivalent.  It was fairly easy taking everything apart and reassembling and testing it in the garage but it was a PAIN putting it back because the plastic hoses just didn’t want to connect without a lot of work.  I spent a few hours more than I should.  Dad did point out afterwards I should have just moved the entire unit over a foot so I would have had more wiggle room.  Dad’s a smart guy.  I ended up hearing a rattle in Sierra’s room so a few weeks later I found out that something was vibrating INSIDE the unit.  I was not ready to take it all apart again and I found out that if I just pulled up on the entire unit the vibration stopped.  I ended up putting a tie down strap on it and  ratcheting it to a  nearby joist.  

We set up a card table downstairs

We were up on the roof cleaning the chimney and marvelled at the colour of this tree.  Being at home all the time has its benefits.  Generally I would work all day and get home at night and never see the beauty around.

Picking up a few pumpkins

This was probably the highlight of my autumn season.  Victor and company dropped by for a quick visit so I played in the leaves with the kids.  Then they were asking Victor to get in the car but he had a pile of leaves in his arms ready to throw at me…so he ran for the car and dumped them all inside!  AHAHAH, ah I had a good laugh.

Leaf fight!

This was equally a great photo that was sent by JF and MC.  They live in a new suburb which have NO TREES.  So now I understand why they were so excited when they saw all the leaves at my house!  They ended up taking all the leaves out of the car and playing with them in their own yard.

Doh!  My order of hot sauce had an accident.  It looks worse than it was…only one bottle shattered.

I need to remember to do this in the future.

Sierra spelling names with playdoh.

What’s this?!

A new hot tub of course!  Installed on a very rainy day where everything was happening at once…I was in the middle of a meeting, we’re trying to get Ezra to take a nap, Sierra finished school…aye aye aye!  A lot of movement when the delivery guys first showed up.  It was raining so hard and they were behind schedule that they had to come pick up the old tub another day!

Our new Beachcomber tub in action!  While it was a long wait due to the pandemic, we were happy to see it arrive in the autumn so we could have some fun in it before the winter hit and it would be too cold to bring Ezra out.

Ah, the old tub which sprung too many leaks a few years back that I didn’t have the heart (or time) to go in and fix.  You gave us some great memories but it’s time you moved on.  I wonder how old this tub was…easily 20 years.  Maybe 30?

This comic made me laugh even more after I had been playing Final Fantasy III while recovering from an operation.  There was this section where I had to grind through quite a bit.  I hate that concept in a video game.  Definition: In video gamesgrinding is performing repetitive tasks, usually for a gameplay advantage or loot but in some cases for purely aesthetic or cosmetic benefits.

A few month into school and you can already see Sierra improving at colouring within the lines!

Making sure the Halloween costume fits

Sierra got to go to the park for a birthday party.  Which kid doesn’t like rolling down a hill?

I asked if Vero planted baby carrots in the garden this year.  She was not impressed with my joke!

Nanny Ruth made some nice clothes for the dolls

Sierra carving a pumpkin with Maman

Not bad!





October scary movie mini-reviews

October is almost done which means we have a batch of horror films that we watched!

What We Do in the Shadows poster.jpg

What We Do in the Shadows (2014) – A mockumentary about how tough is for vampires living in present day?  5/5  This also spun off into a TV show which Vero and I find highly amusing.  Vero is also in love with the theme song for this show.


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The Lighthouse (2019) – Imagine actually taking care of a lighthouse all alone with your partner in the 19th century.  That’s a horror story right there.  But couple it with some true weirdness and this makes for a disturbing film.  Not very scary, but the sheer horror of what is happening is worth the ride.  4/5


Vampire Circus (1972) – For the past few years, I have been adding a lot of the Hammer Horror films into rotation as they are fun to watch.  Not overly scary by today’s standards but you get some classic vampire tropes happening here.  This movie follows a travelling circus who just happen to be vampires.  No scary clowns here.  3/5

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Happy Death Day (2017) and Happy Death Day 2 U (2019) – The elevator pitch: This is Groundhog Day about a girl who gets killed over and over again and then tries to figure out who the killer is as she keeps reliving the same day.  The first film was pretty good but the second one definitely lost of its scary elements and went into a science fiction realm where they explained the time loop that the girl was stuck in.  It felt much like Back to the Future 2 in ways.  Not that it was a bad film, but if you’re looking for October to be scary movie month, the second one felt as a waste.  4/5 and 3/5.

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Twins of Evil (1971) – Look at that poster…One Uses Her Beauty for Love, One Uses her Lure for Blood!  What a killer movie this must be!  I have to admit that this actually was one of the better Hammer films I have seen.  You have to understand that a lot of these movies from the 1970s (and Hammer productions in general) move at a much slower pace than modern horror films.  I didn’t lose interest and it made for a good late night movie after everyone has gone to bed.  3/5

Retro Poster

It Follows (2014) – Vero didn’t know what to expect when I told her that the movie was about a sexually transmitted ghost (seriously!) and neither did I.  But what we found was a pretty original film which was pretty scary as well.  5/5


It Chapter Two (2019) – Meh.  We definitely enjoyed the first film better.  I’m sure if we rewatched the original mini series we would have preferred this one but it was a slow moving beast for us.  2/5

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Us (2019) – A great movie has you talking about it for days.  This is what Us did to us.  If there was one film we would have to recommend it is this one.  I’m not even sure I want to talk about what the plot of the movie is.  Let’s just say a girl ends up disappearing for 15 minutes at an amusement park one night which is super stressful on the parents and in the future she is still on the edge of what she experienced in those 15 minutes.  5/5


The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974) – I have never experienced the martial arts craze of the 1970s but I can only imagine that someone at Hammer Horror said “Hey, what if we combined a kung fu film with vampires?!” and this is what happened.  Yet another great late night, not much brain activity needed film.  3/5

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The Vampire Lovers (1970) – When looking at Hammer Films to check out this year, I must have accidentally stumbled upon someone who really liked the erotic Hammer films and that’s how I came across all these classics.  I was going to type out the plot but honestly, what vampire movie is different?  Vampire infiltrates the village, sucks some blood and then the villagers rebel against the vampire.  I see this was the first film in the Karnstein trilogy and I’ve already seen the third film.  Maybe I can squeeze the second film in when Vero’s parents visit?  3/5

Devil Times Five: Sorrell Booke, Gene Evans, Taylor Lacher, Joan  McCall, Shelley Morrison, Carolyn Stellar, John Durren, Leif Garrett, Gail  Smale, Dawn Lyn, Tierre Turner, Tia Thompson, David Sheldon, Sean MacGregor,

Devil Times Five (1974) – I saw an interview yesterday where Quentin Tarentino gave this as his suggestion as a great Halloween film to watch this year.  Immediately I went to download it and I also see that immediately the bluray is going to be reissued in February.  Tarentino has quite the influence!  Vero and I watched this last night and it definitely was a fun film to watch.  1970s films definitely move at a slow pace but the last 30 minutes ramped up everything and it was quite wild to see five kids wreak havoc over a house full of adults.  4/5

Friday the 13th (1980 film) - Wikipedia

Friday The 13th (1980) – Not only were we watching a great docuseries about the film franchise, but the bluray set I ordered for Vero’s birthday finally came in so we watched the first film.  What we can we say…it’s a classic and has a few good kills in it.  We look forward to rewatching the series.  3/5

Final thoughts: As of October 28, we might be able to squeeze out one more film before Halloween night.  Hopefully it’s Wolf Cop 2 which I had purchased a few years back but haven’t found time to watch.  Those types of films deserve to be watched with a crowd but since that’s impossible these days maybe we will get around to watching it.  Happy Halloween!





Ezra’s 14th month

How cool are these pyjamas?  The Rolling Stones and it has Tour 1978 on it which was the year I was born!

Out for a hike in the Larose Forest

Look who is starting to hold himself up!

He’s even getting big enough to sit in his rocking chair!

Clearly someone wants to go outside

Happy Birthday Maman!  

On Vero’s birthday he took four or five steps but once the video camera came on he didn’t want to have anything to do with walking!

Standing with the help of his sister

Touching some leaves

Wow, you step outside for two seconds and the baby manages to lock the parents out and your daughter is too busy watching TV to notice!

Enjoying a swing at the park.  I’m not sure if this was the time they lost the map but I remember walking through the park and Sierra was yelling at me about something on the ground and I kept telling her not to pick stuff up.  She had a meltdown because I didn’t realize she was pointing out that they had forgot the map in the park the day before and didn’t notice it gone!  What are the odds she stumbled upon it?

Sierra teaching Ezra how to climb up to go to the slide

He’s finally useful at something…mowing the lawn!

Dogpile in the box!

If the ability to eat my yourself is measured by the amount of yogurt on your face, I would say he’s excelling at this skill!

Searching for leaves

You can tell it’s starting to get a little colder out in the mornings

Silly faces

Sierra rolling Ezra down the hill

He’s getting there!

Hanging out in the wooden house…or is it the brick house?  We play the three little pigs and one of us is the big bad wolf

Showing their pride

Tandreane with a chipmunk

8am and Andreane is already up with the kids!  I had a good laugh one day when she went for a nap one afternoon and told me “I knew that being a parent was tough but I never knew HOW tough until today!  I’m exhausted just doing little things!”

Ezra likes sweeping things


Playing games at the table

I have been going through old video cassettes to see if there is anything amazing on them.  Sure enough, I came across one that was labelled “Nintendo accomplishments”.  Did I have the foresight to record me winning some video games like Ninja Gaiden II?  Why yes I did.  Was I dumb enough to tape over them?  Yes I was.  I managed to snag a few seconds here but I was pretty bummed thirty years later to not see that footage.


Ezra really enjoys playing with this house

Nice walk to the cemetery

The karaoke machine is a hit in our house

Man, Facebook has some funny stuff sometimes

Poor coronavirus

Sporting my new hat!  Dad gave this to me years ago and I never really got around to wearing it until now.  I quite like it even though it’s a bit tight.

If Ezra got any closer he would have ended up being raked away

Slow motion leaves!

Laughing with Maman after the bath

I feel I have failed in my mission to not use devices too much around Ezra.  I feel I did a great job with Sierra but honestly with two kids, whenever I get a moment, I whip out the phone or the iPad to check email or the news.  Ezra has grown up seeing that so I feel he’s a lot more interested in touching the iPad.  Or perhaps he associates it with his grandparents on Facetime?  Who knows.  Here is Sierra showing him a game.  It was funny to see Sierra get frustrated with Ezra not touching the right spots on the screen…if she only knew that a few years ago I was seeing her do the same thing!  Practice makes perfect!

An excellent Roger Waters blu ray to watch.  It was really neat to hear the helicopters fly overhead at certain points with my Atmos system.

Sierra and Ezra (and their parents) do an exercise video every morning before school starts.  I love how Ezra is really into it!

I love this shot!


Helping out a brother

Rest in peace Eddie!

As much as we can, we have Sierra help out with the parenting duties

Afternoons in the backyard are Maman’s favourite time of day