
Sierra’s 59th month

Poisson d’avril!

The Easter bunny visited!

Too nice to go to school indoors

Ha!  I’ve been tempted to do this a few times in the past year

Supper outside

Showing off her beautiful shirt

The Castor River has called us back home!

We also checked out the park in Rockland along the water and Sierra had a fun time navigating this structure

Sierra and Abbey have this game they play over Facetime where they have to look at the emoticon on the screen and then try and find it on the keyboard

I built this this summer!  I’m not sure if it was a mega hit.  I found that the baking powder was stuck at the bottom and I had to shake it a lot.  But Maman has been with the kids a lot in the afternoons and they seem to enjoy it.  I’m just not sure if she would tell me that I should try it again.

The purge has begun!  Some friends dropped by to grab a lot of stuff to help out with their newborn.  I was very excited to start getting all that stuff out of the house!

Oh festivals, how I miss thee


Nice hat!

I was pretty impressed with Sierra’s lego maze!

Sierra imitating Dad’s fangs from apple slices



Ezra’s 21st month

Afternoons with Maman are always the best

Showing off some new books they bought with some money from Easter

Never a dull moment here

Two seater swings are so much more fun!

Hunting for worms

Trying on an old hat of Grandpapa’s

I’m not sure what is going on here but Sierra always used to put her head into a pillow or on the floor when she didn’t get her way and Ezra also now mimics that movement.  Now I just laugh every time I see it happen.

Peek a boo!

Moving on up to the big kids swing!

Vero found a good trail behind the school and we found this old tire hanging there

A rare family photo

We came across these structures not too far from the school.  We think that there may be classes that come out and learn about making tree forts

I think he was excited to see snow again after a few weeks of it melting

Another adventure in the rain for us

I’m not even sure what is going on here?  Maybe a science experiment for school?

Sierra teaching Ezra how to use the tricycle.  Interesting fact: this is the same tricycle that Vero grew up with!

I would like to say this was a somersault but no, it was just Ezra being mad about something and he’s burying his head

Super Ezra!

Ezra is really liking his ipad time.  There are a few neat apps that he plays.  One involves crushing trucks with a dinosaur foot in a junkyard

Ice cream!

Count Ezra

Searching for worms in the garden

Go Team Canada!



Driveway sealing #2

For historical reference, we paid $700 tax included to get the driveway sealed.  They did start out the with a $900 price tag but balked at that one trying to remember what we paid the last time.  They did say that a ‘water based’ sealant was applied last time and that’s why it wasn’t good anymore.

That’s probably a bunch of malarkey.


Thoughts about Ezra

I feel as time goes by I get slower and slower at updating this website and then I fear that I will forget little details about my children that I want documented!

Until I get around to updating a few things, I thought I would just chat about Ezra at this point in his life.

Ezra is 20 months old.

Currently I get to take care of him a lot in the mornings and then Vero takes over in the afternoons.  Sierra stays in her room for the most part taking school but Ezra is VERY excited when he sees her emerge from her room.

He’s a really loving child.  He will go and hug Sierra when she comes out of her room.  He waddles over to her at full speed and practically collapses in her arms.

He’s really good at walking these days.  We even took him in the forest the other day and managed to navigate branches without falling over too much.  That being said, I still don’t understand how he can just be walking around the kitchen sometimes and do a complete wipeout!  I blame his socks.

His vocabulary is really getting good.  He says thank you when we pass him something.  The other day I asked him if he wanted to stay in his chair or get down and he replied with get down!  I think last night I heard him say bedroom.  He can definitely say Maman and something that resembles Dad but not enough for me to notice sometimes.  I feel sometimes that all his words sound like he is underwater but I’m assuming he’s just learning to enunciate.  I can’t remember what Sierra was like when she was learning to speak.

I laugh sometimes at how much of a different force of nature he is compared to Sierra.  The other day when we were all out looking for worms in a rainstorm, Sierra wanted to pick up worms on a stick and move them over to a puddle.  Ezra wanted to squash them all with his boot which resulted in Sierra screaming “Nooooo!” like when Darth Vader was born.

Life with Ezra has become significantly easier compared to last year.  We no longer have to have portions of the back patio fenced off to prevent him from falling six inches.  He now climbs up and down the stairs like a champ and wanders around the yard and we aren’t overly worried about him.  We did start closing one gate near the garage so he doesn’t wander off to the front yard without us.  We always have an eye on him but you never know where they go when you are handling the BBQ for a few minutes.

He really loves his swing set and whenever we ask if he wants to get down he says No.  In fact, he replies no  quite a bit these days but it makes sense when he says it.  I don’t think he has mastered yes yet but if we ask him something and he doesn’t say no then we know he probably wants to say yes!

Ezra enjoys watching anything large like trucks driving by.  Our weekly voyage to the grocery store parking lot results in us staring and waving to the cars as they drive around.  In fact, he waves at every car that goes by and people are generally nice enough to wave back!  He also likes hearing the train going by in the distance and tries to say choo choo.

Now that I’ve started livestreaming concerts with the family, I bring out the guitar quite a bit more and he loves it.  When I say “Guitar?” his eyes light up and he runs to the guitar case, opens it up and proceeds to pass me two picks, a capo and my pedal.  Then he strums the guitar for about three tunes and gets tired of that.  He’s becoming quite good at strumming!

He loves bathtime with his sister but I’m not sure she loves getting buckets of water dumped over her head all the time!  He has to figure out those fine motor skills because a bucket of water over the head usually results in him bonking the bucket into her nose or head half the time!

He is really enjoying reading these days.  He is starting to choose new books to listen to, but then he also has his routine of reading a book about Boots and Je T’aimes de la tête au pieds”.  Recently he really likes Garbage Delight (which I’m delighted about!)

To the jealousy of many other parents out there, he is a great sleeper.  He has an afternoon nap which lasts between 1-2 hours and he heads to bed around 7:15PM and wakes up anywhere between 7 and 7:30pm without much trouble during the night.  He tosses and turns once in awhile but I can’t remember many times that he actually wakes up.

He is a very happy kid and there is always a smile on his face.  I even managed to get a good picture of him laughing the other day which I love.

Overall, we are happy with his development and he makes me feel old some days but I manage to get some energy to horse around with him as much as I can because in about five years time, he’ll have no interest in me!  Ha ha.


Ezra’s 20th month

“Good tunes Dad!”

The Force is strong with this one

Tiny dancers

I think he was trying to wink in this photo

I thought this look he have his sister was hilarious

Checking out a reflection with Maman

Not sure if he enjoyed wearing Sierra’s wig

Ezra does some funny things when he wakes up from a nap these days

When I saw these two play on the swings together all I could think of was “Finally, I see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to pushing my kid on a swing!”

Good toque head

“Likely story Dad!  Tell another one.”

A typical weekly outing to get some groceries.  We would wander the parking lot and he would wave to everyone who passed him by.

Limoges park have these really long chains on the kids swings which make for a fun ride

Spring time is always the most fun time for toddlers I think

Ezra always feels the need to help give Sierra a push

Having a snack with Maman

A good photo opportunity but he hasn’t mastered the tricycle yet

Ezra quite enjoys mopping up the mess!

Ezra quite enjoys when I practice guitar in the mornings.  When I say “Guitar?” he goes over to the case and opens it up.  Then he passes every guitar pick he can find as well as my capo and pedal.  Lately he has been deciding to sit in various spots of the guitar case which is hilarious.

Ezra discovering the wonder of chalk

Trying on Sierra’s hat

Ezra likes trying for a high five while swinging next to Sierra

He’s getting the hang of building blocks!

By the looks of the snow on the ground, this was probably the last voyage of the SS GT Sno-racer for the year

I have realized that a post gets a lot of attention on Facebook when there’s a kid involved!

I had everything lined up in the span of 8 minutes to acquire this gem from Belleville.  Then Vero reminded me that our neighbours were going to give Sierra their old kid car for her birthday.  SO CLOSE!!

In the quest of ‘trying to find a spot to go outside not near people’, we found this little park in Casselman on our way to St-Hubert.  Unfortunately part way through our visit Sierra said she needed to pee!  I’m pretty impressed that she managed to hold it in for another 30 minutes until we got back home!

Sierra taking some photos of her brother

Fredo + Dad = love

Ezra was seriously rocking out to some Pearl Jam in the basement one afternoon with me.  It was pretty amazing.  I also realized that if I ever want a good cardio workout, I just need to pop in the last 30 minutes of a Pearl Jam concert and jump up and down imagining I’m at the actual concert.  Way more fun thatn the elliptical!

I’m not entirely sure what this photo was for, but chances are it’s when I win a game of Carcasonne against Mom when the score is really close or really wide apart.


Vero took some photos of the pathway in the park and the bad shape they were in.  In July they ended up fixing a bunch of it up which is great for kids on their bicycles!  I’m quite proud that she mentioned it to the community association.  Sometimes all it takes is asking the question to someone!

Poor He-Man!

Poisson d’Avril!

When Sierra went into her room, we hung a banner with a bunch of fishes on it.  She found it very funny.

Poisson d’Avril Sierra!


The pranks kept coming when I put peanut butter in their grilled cheese sandwich!  Sierra really enjoyed April Fool’s.  She kept putting pots and pans on our chairs and saying “Poisson d’Avril’ a month after April Fool’s.  We tried explaining her the difference between a prank and April Fool’s but she just kept saying it.  

Tall kid!

Filling up the feeder.  I think a squirrel ate it all the next day

Years ago we never burned the brush that fell down throughout the winter.  Now we try and keep on top of it.

Vero told me this was quite the leg workout!

First cone of the year!

Easter was definitely fun this year with Ezra able to walk around and look for some eggs!  He seemed to catch onto the concept after awhile.

I think this may have been the day where Ezra discovered how amazing this shopping cart is.  He brings that everywhere in the backyard with him!

Pull my finger (thanks to Shannon for that one!)

Reading outside

One of the first hot tubs of the year with the kids.  I also realized how long my hair was getting when I had to put it in a ponytail so it wouldn’t get wet!

Figuring things out

First of many meals outside
