
First day of school aftermath

The scene: Sierra and I finishing up our game of Clue.

Me: Well, time for bed.  You have to go to be earlier now because of school.

Her: Aww man!  When is school done?  What about Halloween?  Will school be done by then so I can stay up later?

Me: No, school definitely isn’t over by Halloween.


Me: Well, not until next summer.

Her: How long is that?

Me: Uhm…remember your birthday in the Spring?  Not until after that?

Her: WHAT?!

I’m pretty sure in that very moment I shattered all good thoughts that can had about going to school.

We did let her know that she can stay up a little later if there is a Halloween.  That seemed to have cheered her up!



August 2021 (Sierra’s 63rd and Ezra’s 25th)

Grandma took a photo of this Steller’s sea eagle.  Supposedly bird watchers from as far as Toronto drove down to Gaspe to see this!

Working on his baseball skills

Sierra marvelling at how high Maman can get!

It’s not often that a copy of Giant Sized X-Men #1 comes close to being mine, but on my birthday I took part in an auction to get a copy.  I went as high as $1,950 and finally had to bow out.  I heard that it went for $2,400 at final bid.  I did my research and decided the condition it was in was not worth more than $1,950.  One day it will be mine!

We really enjoy the Rockland park because of its proximity to water and this great merry-go round!  Here I am spinning these kids until they vomitted.

On my birthday we headed out to the Ottawa River and checked out these neat rock sculptures we had never seen before.  We even got to stop by a cantina and had a couple of hot dogs!

Let’s not forget the great orange cake!

Sierra got to hang out with some friends at the park one hot morning.

Enjoying an apple

Cooling down on a hot day

Always nice when Andreane can come for a visit


A father’s day gift arrived late but it was much appreciated!

Teaching Sierra how to ride a bicycle.  She wasn’t too bad at at it but I think next year might the year she nails it.

Pretty nice setup at night

Practicing to go to school and teaching Ezra how to do the thumbs up

For Ezra’s birthday we decided to go over to Prehistoric World.  It’s not too far away and the kids (and adults!) enjoy it!

We also had water balloons on hand!  Ezra REALLY enjoyed playing with those!

Ezra had a firefighter theme for his party and we made a truck cake for him

A photo before the cake was eaten

I hope this happens when the day comes for my visit to the Star Wars hotel!

Hitching a ride

I’ve been dropping off my empty beer cans in Chesterville and we toured around the park and found it was right next to the river!

About to head out and fight some crime

Got to see some fine friends from college on a very very hot day.  That pool was calling my name!

If there are strawberries, there are my kids

I always laugh at how Ezra can’t wait to eat his corn so he just hucks it and eats it!

Vero bought an inflatable kayak which worked quite well from what I’m told.  I think this photo was taken from her first voyage.  I think her second one resulted in her thinking a mouse was trapped INSIDE the kayak trying to claw its way out so she had to hurry home!  I’m not sure what she heard but we never found a mouse.

The kids love going down the hill in the wagon!

Mmm mmm good


Enjoying an hour at the beach.  While this section of Petrie Island has more rocks, there were less people.

Dropping by to show of their new wheels

Preparing the cucumbers for pickling

The theatre gang hung out in Rockland one morning while I decided to give the kids a ride on this blanket

Good to see these folks alive and well!

I was pretty impressed Sierra made it to the top!

Prepping the jars for pickling.  I always laugh at how much dill we get at the farmers market but that’s how they sell it!

This year’s batch was smaller than last years because we still hadn’t gone through last year’s batch.  I wish I wrote down how many pickles we bought.

The carrots were getting pretty big near the end of August!

With a little thought put into it, we decided to be godparents to this baby.  She promised lifetime nachos so that sealed the deal.

Near the end of the summer I started panicking in thinking we never got around to doing all the things I wanted to do.  Of course, part of this was due to the pandemic, but I decided to take the kids to a splash pad in Orleans one morning.  It was a fun time!

Hanging out at the park.  Ezra looks like he has some rosy cheeks from trying to keep up with the other two!  

One last trip to Petrie Island before the end of summer

Where are they heading?

Sometimes we all just want to dance

Vero decided to go visit her grandmother at the end of the summer.  They enjoyed an afternoon outside together.

Meanwhile back home, we lived off of freezies and chicken wings

Supposedly these are the best curds in the region so Vero always picks some up while visiting

Haha!  Truth.

On August 30th, it marked the first of many lunches that we will make in our lifetimes.