
Dewberry trail walk

Today we got to spend some time with Marty, Véro and Melody or as we affectionately call her, Baby Melody.  I will have to explain to the kids that once a kid can toddle around, they aren’t much of a baby any longer!

If you look closely, you can see me in behind the log as I was holding Melody up!

We went to the Dewberry Trail off of Anderson Road which is a fun trek through the woods.  This particular trail has a lot of bird feeders at the entrance so folks bring bird feed and chickadees come and eat from their hands.  These chickadees have no fear of humans to the point that one flew into my fur hat!  That was the second time in the past year that one of these birds went for my head.  I’m not sure if they are just really bad fliers or if my head is an easy target.

Sierra wanted to take care of Melody at all times so she would walk near her and try and hold her hand.  Ezra wasn’t a fan of the walk at all and I would leave him behind a few times and he would walk on his knees.  I’m sure the kids are not a fan of my speech on how some folks don’t have the luxury of having feet that work and they should be happy they can use them!

It was a good time to chat with Marty about guitar stuff and it wasn’t too long of a walk on a mild morning.