
Harmon’s Craft Beer

I’ve been thinking of trying some non-alcoholic beers for awhile now but I felt that there really weren’t fun options out there.  Part of the reason I like to drink beer is to try out all the different flavours that are available.

When I was at CityFolk last fall I noticed a tent sent up for Harmon’s Craft Beer from Toronto.  I kept that name tucked in the back of my head and last week I decided to order an assortment to see if I would enjoy them or not.

I cracked open a hazy IPA last night while in the hot tub listening to some Rebel Force Radio (best podcast ever!) and it was quite tasty!  Hopefully the trend continues with the other beverages I ordered from them.  I don’t think there’s anything wrong with reducing a person’s alcohol consumption and if this is the way to do so, I’m in good hands so far.

Update: I’m updating this post a few weeks after drinking some non-alcoholic beer.  I have to say that this has been a game changer for me.  Hopefully it keeps up.  I would say that I enjoy all the Harmon beer so far but I’m not a big fan of the Partake beer that I also ordered later in the month.  I just find the taste pretty bland overall with the Partake beer.  MAYBE the Octoberfest beer is worthy of another purchase in the future but that’s it.

But the Harmon stuff is great overall.  They even have a ‘buy three, get the fourth six pack free’ deal on this month so hop on that.