
Weekend in the snow

Ezra showing off the toilet for the ‘house’ they built in the front yard

Slow motion snowboarding

The weekend was pretty relaxed considering we had Sierra with COVID but it really didn’t amount to anything but a runny nose which is great news.

Not sure if you can tell but Ezra was NOT a happy camper when we brought him to go snowshoeing near the cemetery.  He refused so he and I just walked around in the forest.

It was a nice day to go for a trek even though Ezra was a poop.

Ezra was a lot happier the next day when we went to a different forest and tried out a few sliding hills.

Ottawa doesn’t get much sun during the winter so it was nice to see it peaking through.


Baking sourdough + cinnamon rolls + bread machine

Saturday morning the kids had the grand idea to make cinnamon rolls.

If you know me, you know that my adventures in the kitchen are not something I enjoy.  Sure…there are spurts where I get some ambition to try new supper/lunch ideas and I have to say we’ve got a few go-to Instant Pot ideas now because of that…but baking is definitely not a forté nor an interest of mine.

However, Grandma did make some cinnamon rolls the last time she showed up and Sierra wrote a recipe so of course when the kids begged to make some, how could I say no?

*Sidenote: this was a great activity to do with Max and Uncle Mike when they visited a few weeks ago.  Baking is a lot more fun when there is a gang looking for a productive way to spend time together.*

We only made one batch of rolls (I’m not even sure I got more than one in my belly after the week went by but the kids sure enjoyed them for breakfast each morning!) but I also stumbled upon a bag of sourdough brew bread that my folks picked up for me when they were in the United States a few years ago.  Maybe many years ago?  How long has this bag been sitting in my pantry?

It made a tasty loaf of bread which got Vero and I thinking of buying a bread maker.  Life is too short to settle for regular bread, especially if I eat toast every morning!

I’m on the hunt for a bread maker that’s been in sitting in someone’s closet for the past ten years not being useful.  I want to try it out before I buy one.

Edit/update: A few days after posting this, a heavy package from Amazon arrives on the doorstep.  I ask Vero: “What’s in this thing, a breadmaker?”  She replied “How did you guess?  It’s your Valentine’s Day gift!”

So I made a loaf of bread and it was pretty neat.  Vero also attempted a loaf of bread, didn’t follow instructions closely and it resembled an alien.  But hey, it’s both our first attempts here folks!