
Ear infections

Ezra has had a fever for the past week, poor guy.

Fevers in children suck.  You call the doctor and they suggest waiting a couple of days to see if it fixes itself and to comfort him with medicine.  As a parent you’re helpless to just hope for the best.

Before Christmas he was having fevers around 103 if he didn’t have any medicine in him and that was consistent.  Turns out he had pneumonia.

This time around, it was a bit more manageable…his fever would come in waves.  On Wednesday we even reduced the medicine during the day because his temperature was around 99.  But by Thursday, the fever came back with a vengeance.

To the doctor we went and they found blood in his ear which was a sign that there was an infection and something burst to relieve pressure.  Five days later he’s now on antibiotics.  Hopefully he bounces back soon enough!

Typical sight of Ezra just hanging out in his underwear for the past week, trying to keep cool.  This was him trying to get yogurt off his chest.  Haha!