
Upcoming Trip to the Dominican Republic

Punta CanaIf no one knows already, Vero and I heading to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic on Sunday for her sister’s wedding.  We will be gone for an entire week and arriving back at the crisp hour of 1:30AM on Monday in Toronto.

I am quite excited to go down south as I have never been before.  It will be an adventure in determining if I would rather jaunt around localed that are found in Europe, or if I would rather hit the pool, the beach and the bar.  Maybe I will surprise myself and find it to be an equal experience, although I have a feeling that while it will be great, nothing will beat Europe.

So now I’m thinking of things that I have to do to prepare for the trip.  For example – summer clothing.  Krista went along with me last night to do some shopping for some clothes to wear to a wedding (a suit won’t cut it on the beach!) as well as some bathing suits.

Now I’m looking for tips from all sides on what to do/what not to do.  I have hear some standard fare like get some vaccinations (will do so on Friday afternoon), or not to touch any water while there.  I also have to find a currency converter to get a lot of small bills to leave as tips.

So feel free to provide any tips you have to provide while travelling to a southern locale!

2 replies on “Upcoming Trip to the Dominican Republic”

It’s nice to see that you are going somewhere a lot warmer than here. I prefer Cuba, but I have never been to Punta Cana…. One tip is to go to a dollar store and pick up stuff for the maid and your waitress and waiters. Stuff such as tooth paste, hair brushes, tooth brushes, perfume, hair clips, hair bands, pencils, pencil crayons, anything with Canada or the flag on it and leave a little bit each day for them. They love that because they can’t get that kind of stuff down there and if they can, it is a fortune.

i don’t know if this relates to the Dominican Republic, but people travelling to cuba have often said to forget the local currency and opt for american money as it will be more easily accepted.

I can’t say whether or not it’s true, seeing as I have never been on an international trip (unless you count the time I crossed the border to pick up equipment for the mill in Kap.)

And that’s about all the advice I will give about something for which I know nothing!!!

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