
The Upcoming Week

Let’s be honest here.  You’ll have to find some daily humour elsewhere for the next week while I’m in Punta Cana.  However, I may find a computer and give you an update or two but don’t hold your breath.  When there is a James Bond book by my side (currently reading Moonraker) and El Presidente in the other, the urge to update this site may be lacking.

One reply on “The Upcoming Week”

OH NO say it isn’t so….. Palmer not wanting to give us the digs when he is basking in the warmth of 30 degree weather when we peons are suffering at -20….. Palmer shame on you for not planning to give even a short update even by group email……Have a great holiday and hugs to u and Vero from Gary & aunt Lois….. we want to see beach pics u know !!!! lol

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