
End the Madness of Snow!

Holy Mackerel, it’s hard to get into the swing of things again back home.  Last night I went for my double shot of education and was slowly slumbered by the onslaught of material coming towards me.  Plus, I have a midterm next week in my Great Philosophers class.  However, I should be thankful for that considering it was originally scheduled for last night but got postponed.

Work is also ramping up on our group project in the Quantitative Methods class so we all know what that means…team meetings!  They won’t be too bad.  I like my group so far.

Vero is coming over tonight so we can start capturing the video from the video camera onto the computer so we can edit a wedding video for her sister.  In doing so, there will be a new external hard drive coming into the house for the project!  Awww yeah!  I thought I would have to do some heavy convincing to Vero that there was need for a new hard drive but she graciously agreed with the idea and we’ll pick one up tonight.

Editing the video should be fun.  This is Vero’s baby but I am going to try and convince her to allow me to do a Palmer Edit.  I’ve already taken some bonus footage for my edit which should be a fun-filled epic involving Cuba Librés (Rum & Coke), Dragons and Euchre.

Of important note is that there are literally 1,234,087 pictures taken from last week and my camera holds 5 of them.  That’s right, once I saw other people snapping away, I realized that I could just get a hold of their photos later.  That being said, the Punta Cana updates will be without pictures until a little while later.