
An Evening with Friends

FriendsI arrived home to find supper on the table! Awww yeah! Having Vero hang around the house during the day is a bonus! We ended up watching the first episode of Moitie Moitie which was decent (although I was dismayed to see that they don’t focus in on the extras!) and then settled down for a great pasta dinner along with Trish.

Trish’s immortal words “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the series finale of Friends” spawned the rest of our evening as we decided to have a marathon run of the final season of Friends. We started with the season finale of Season 9 (because they always lead into the following season) and I think I ended up around Episode 8 before heading to bed (had to study for the Philosophy midterm this coming week!) and the others followed suit a few hours later. That being said, my math is the culprit of us not finishing the entire season off. I proclaimed at the dinner table “One whole season of Friends? That must only be…200 minutes long!”. In reality, I was off by half for some reason and watching the entire season would have put us well into 4:00 in the morning. Ah well.

Season 10 of Friends in an interesting bird as they know it’s their final one so there are little plot points being tied up – Phoebe’s visit from her brother Frank, Phoebe getting married, the fate of Ross and Rachel…it’s all being slowly tied up. I love when a show knows that it’s ending and they can properly tie things up. Much like how Alias sucked for the 4th season and the first part of the 5th until they realized that they would cancel the show so they pulled a 180 and tried to tie up the plot points (although they only had a minimal episodes to do so!).